Time-restricted eating to prevent and manage chronic metabolic diseases
Molecular clocks are present in almost every cell to anticipate daily recurring and
predictable changes, such as rhythmic nutrient availability, and to adapt cellular functions …
predictable changes, such as rhythmic nutrient availability, and to adapt cellular functions …
Genomics of circadian rhythms in health and disease
Circadian clocks are endogenous oscillators that control 24-h physiological and behavioral
processes. The central circadian clock exerts control over myriad aspects of mammalian …
processes. The central circadian clock exerts control over myriad aspects of mammalian …
Sex-dimorphic and age-dependent organization of 24-hour gene expression rhythms in humans
The circadian clock modulates human physiology. However, the organization of tissue-
specific gene expression rhythms and how these depend on age and sex is not defined in …
specific gene expression rhythms and how these depend on age and sex is not defined in …
[HTML][HTML] Time-restricted feeding prevents obesity and metabolic syndrome in mice lacking a circadian clock
Increased susceptibility of circadian clock mutant mice to metabolic diseases has led to the
idea that a molecular clock is necessary for metabolic homeostasis. However, these mice …
idea that a molecular clock is necessary for metabolic homeostasis. However, these mice …
Diurnal transcriptome atlas of a primate across major neural and peripheral tissues
INTRODUCTION The interaction among cell-autonomous circadian oscillators—daily cycles
of activity–rest and feeding–fasting—produces diurnal rhythms in gene expression in almost …
of activity–rest and feeding–fasting—produces diurnal rhythms in gene expression in almost …
Transcriptional architecture of the mammalian circadian clock
JS Takahashi - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2017 - nature.com
Circadian clocks are endogenous oscillators that control 24-hour physiological and
behavioural processes in organisms. These cell-autonomous clocks are composed of a …
behavioural processes in organisms. These cell-autonomous clocks are composed of a …
Spatiotemporal metabolic liver zonation and consequences on pathophysiology
Hepatocytes are the main workers in the hepatic factory, managing metabolism of nutrients
and xenobiotics, production and recycling of proteins, and glucose and lipid homeostasis …
and xenobiotics, production and recycling of proteins, and glucose and lipid homeostasis …
[HTML][HTML] Diurnal transcriptome landscape of a multi-tissue response to time-restricted feeding in mammals
Time-restricted feeding (TRF) is an emerging behavioral nutrition intervention that involves a
daily cycle of feeding and fasting. In both animals and humans, TRF has pleiotropic health …
daily cycle of feeding and fasting. In both animals and humans, TRF has pleiotropic health …
[HTML][HTML] Arrhythmic gut microbiome signatures predict risk of type 2 diabetes
Lifestyle, obesity, and the gut microbiome are important risk factors for metabolic disorders.
We demonstrate in 1,976 subjects of a German population cohort (KORA) that specific …
We demonstrate in 1,976 subjects of a German population cohort (KORA) that specific …
A circadian gene expression atlas in mammals: implications for biology and medicine
To characterize the role of the circadian clock in mouse physiology and behavior, we used
RNA-seq and DNA arrays to quantify the transcriptomes of 12 mouse organs over time. We …
RNA-seq and DNA arrays to quantify the transcriptomes of 12 mouse organs over time. We …