Anomalous transport in long-ranged open quantum systems
We consider a one-dimensional fermionic lattice system with long-ranged power-law
decaying hop** with exponent α. The system is further subjected to dephasing noise in …
decaying hop** with exponent α. The system is further subjected to dephasing noise in …
Density and current statistics in boundary-driven monitored fermionic chains
We consider a one-dimensional system of noninteracting fermions featuring both boundary
driving and continuous monitoring of the bulk particle density. Due to the measurements, the …
driving and continuous monitoring of the bulk particle density. Due to the measurements, the …
Keldysh nonlinear sigma model for a free-fermion gas under continuous measurements
Quantum entanglement phase transitions have provided new insights into quantum many-
body dynamics. Both disorders and measurements are found to induce similar entanglement …
body dynamics. Both disorders and measurements are found to induce similar entanglement …
Measurements on an Anderson chain
P Pöpperl, IV Gornyi, Y Gefen - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We study the dynamics of a monitored single particle in a one-dimensional Anderson-
localized system. The time evolution is governed by Hamiltonian dynamics for fixed time …
localized system. The time evolution is governed by Hamiltonian dynamics for fixed time …
Superdiffusive transport in quasi-particle dephasing models
Investigating the behavior of noninteracting fermions subjected to local dephasing, we
reveal that quasi-particle dephasing can induce superdiffusive transport. This superdiffusion …
reveal that quasi-particle dephasing can induce superdiffusive transport. This superdiffusion …
Impact of dephasing probes on incommensurate lattices
We investigate open quantum dynamics for a one-dimensional incommensurate Aubry–
André–Harper lattice chain, a part of which is initially filled with electrons and is further …
André–Harper lattice chain, a part of which is initially filled with electrons and is further …
[การอ้างอิง][C] Dynamics of disordered and measured systems
MSP Pöpperl