Recent advances in applying deep reinforcement learning for flow control: Perspectives and future directions

C Vignon, J Rabault, R Vinuesa - Physics of fluids, 2023 -
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been applied to a variety of problems during the
past decade and has provided effective control strategies in high-dimensional and non …

Closed-loop turbulence control: Progress and challenges

SL Brunton, BR Noack - Applied Mechanics …, 2015 -
Closed-loop turbulence control is a critical enabler of aerodynamic drag reduction, lift
increase, mixing enhancement, and noise reduction. Current and future applications have …

[CARTE][B] Machine learning control-taming nonlinear dynamics and turbulence

T Duriez, SL Brunton, BR Noack - 2017 - Springer
This book is an introduction to machine learning control (MLC), a surprisingly simple model-
free methodology to tame complex nonlinear systems. These systems are assumed to be …

Coherent structures in wall-bounded turbulence

J Jiménez - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018 -
This article discusses the description of wall-bounded turbulence as a deterministic high-
dimensional dynamical system of interacting coherent structures, defined as eddies with …

Anisotropic particles in turbulence

GA Voth, A Soldati - Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2017 -
Anisotropic particles are common in many industrial and natural turbulent flows. When these
particles are small and neutrally buoyant, they follow Lagrangian trajectories while …

[HTML][HTML] Turbulent drag reduction by polymer additives: Fundamentals and recent advances

L ** - Physics of Fluids, 2019 -
A small amount of polymer additives can cause substantial reduction in the energy
dissipation and friction loss of turbulent flow. The problem of polymer-induced drag …

[CARTE][B] Flow control

M Gad-el-Hak - 2000 -
The ability to actively or passively manipulate a flow field to bring about a desired change is
of immense technological and economical importance. This volume provides a thorough, up …

The fluid mechanics of microdevices—the Freeman scholar lecture

M Gad-el-Hak - 1999 -
Manufacturing processes that can create extremely small machines have been developed in
recent years. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) refer to devices that have …

[CARTE][B] Fluid flow phenomena: a numerical toolkit

P Orlandi - 2012 -
This book deals with the simulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for
laminar and turbulent flows. The book is limited to explaining and employing the finite …

DNS-based predictive control of turbulence: an optimal benchmark for feedback algorithms

TR Bewley, P Moin, R Temam - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2001 -
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) and optimal control theory are used in a predictive
control setting to determine controls that effectively reduce the turbulent kinetic energy and …