[PDF][PDF] Overview of surrogates to measure audit quality

FE Hussein, M MohdHanefah - International Journal of Business …, 2013 - researchgate.net
After the collapse of Arthur Andersen in 2002, the auditing profession has faced increasing
pressure from external parties to enhance and improve audit quality. These pressures led to …

The perception of audit quality among financial statements users, preparers and auditors, in Tunisia

M Hamza, S Damak-Ayadi - Accounting and Management Information …, 2023 - ceeol.com
Research Question: The principal purpose of this research is to determine the audit quality
attributes as perceived by the different stakeholders: financial statements users, preparers …

[HTML][HTML] Risk management committee, auditor choice and audit fees

I Harymawan, AA Prabhawa, M Nasih, FKG Putra - Risks, 2021 - mdpi.com
We find that risk management committees and BIG4 audit firms contribute to audit fees. We
use observations of 895 companies registered in Indonesia for 2014–2018, and to answer …

Audit Quality of Financial Statements of Commercial Banks, Whether or not There is a Difference in Audit Quality Provided by Big4 and Non-Big4 Audit Firms

HH Pham, THL Nguyen, MT Tran - International Journal of …, 2025 - econjournals.org.tr
This study is conducted for the purpose of investigating the influence of factors on the audit
quality of financial statements of Vietnamese commercial banks. Also consider whether or …

Impact of corporate governance and audit quality on financial performance: listed vs. unlisted Tunisian companies

I Kateb, O Nafti, NB Salah - International Journal of …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
The paper aims to analyse the impact of governance mechanisms and external audit quality
on the financial performance of listed and unlisted Tunisian companies in a post …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of audit quality on financial reporting quality

SH Mesbah, MM Ramadan - Alexandria Journal of …, 2022 - aljalexu.journals.ekb.eg
This study examines the effect of audit quality on financial reporting quality. It contributes to
current accounting and auditing literature by providing empirical evidence on the effect of …

Empirical evidence of audit firm size toward audit quality and reputation of public accounting firm

NS Suseno, L Nofianti - Advanced science letters, 2018 - ingentaconnect.com
This study is built around the argument that market competition in highly competitive era
considers firm's reputation as the primary factor in company's business sustainability. The …

Corporate governance and financial performance: a study of companies listed on the Johannesburg stock exchange

J Tshipa - 2017 - search.proquest.com
In the past two decades, corporate governance has received much attention from
academics, investors and managers as well as from policymakers. This is mainly because of …

[PDF][PDF] Auditor Choice and Audit Fees.” Risks 9 (9): 156

I Harymawan, AA Prabhawa, M Nasih, FKG Putra… - 2021 - researchgate.net
We find that risk management committees and BIG4 audit firms contribute to audit fees. We
use observations of 895 companies registered in Indonesia for 2014–2018, and to answer …