Circadian activity of small brown bear populations living in human-dominated landscapes
Whereas numerous studies on large carnivores have focused on analyzing spatial patterns
and habitat use, the temporal dimension of their activity has been relatively little …
and habitat use, the temporal dimension of their activity has been relatively little …
The clock keeps ticking: circadian rhythms of free-ranging polar bears
Life in the Arctic presents organisms with multiple challenges, including extreme photic
conditions, cold temperatures, and annual loss and daily movement of sea ice. Polar bears …
conditions, cold temperatures, and annual loss and daily movement of sea ice. Polar bears …
Thermal constraints on energy balance, behaviour and spatial distribution of grizzly bears
Heat dissipation limit theory posits that energy available for growth and reproduction in
endotherms is limited by their ability to dissipate heat. In mammals, endogenous heat …
endotherms is limited by their ability to dissipate heat. In mammals, endogenous heat …
Effect of Season and High Ambient Temperature on Activity Levels and Patterns of Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos)
Understanding factors that influence daily and annual activity patterns of a species provides
insights to challenges facing individuals, particularly when climate shifts, and thus is …
insights to challenges facing individuals, particularly when climate shifts, and thus is …
Brown bear (Ursus arctos; North America)
MA Haroldson, M Clapham, CC Costello… - Bears of the World …, 2021 - cambridge.org
The scientific name combines the Latin (ursus) and Greek (Άρκτος [arktos]) words for “bear.”
North American brown bears are commonly referred to as “grizzly bears” throughout much of …
North American brown bears are commonly referred to as “grizzly bears” throughout much of …
American black bear (Ursus americanus)
American black bears (Ursus americanus) are endemic to North America, having speciated
from other ursids some 1.2 to 1.8 million years ago (Kurtn & Anderson 1994). During that …
from other ursids some 1.2 to 1.8 million years ago (Kurtn & Anderson 1994). During that …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial–Temporal Patterns of Sympatric Asiatic Black Bears (Ursus thibetanus) and Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Northeastern China
Y Ji, F Liu, D Li, Z Chen, P Chen - Animals, 2022 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The mechanisms of coexistence between large carnivores are critical for
conservation and the management of endangered species. In northeastern China, the …
conservation and the management of endangered species. In northeastern China, the …
Detecting grizzly bear use of ungulate carcasses using global positioning system telemetry and activity data
MR Ebinger, MA Haroldson, FT Van Manen… - Oecologia, 2016 - Springer
Global positioning system (GPS) wildlife collars have revolutionized wildlife research.
Studies of predation by free-ranging carnivores have particularly benefited from the …
Studies of predation by free-ranging carnivores have particularly benefited from the …
The bear circadian clock doesn't 'sleep'during winter dormancy
Background Most biological functions are synchronized to the environmental light: dark
cycle via a circadian timekee** system. Bears exhibit shallow torpor combined with …
cycle via a circadian timekee** system. Bears exhibit shallow torpor combined with …
Interspecific asymmetries in behavioral plasticity drive seasonal patterns of temporal niche partitioning in an island carnivore community
Animals vary considerably in the amount of behavioral plasticity they exhibit in daily activity
timing and temporal niche switching. It is not well understood how environmental factors …
timing and temporal niche switching. It is not well understood how environmental factors …