[PDF][PDF] CFD simulation of forced convection heat transfer enhancement in pipe using Al2O3/water nanofluid
The advanced concepts of nano fluids offer an improvement in heat transfer compared to
conventional heat transfer fluids. In recent years, researchers have been more attentive to …
conventional heat transfer fluids. In recent years, researchers have been more attentive to …
Development of non-reflecting boundary condition for application in 3D computational fluid dynamics codes
Numerical computations are commonly used for better understanding the unsteady
processes in internal combustion engine components and their acoustic behavior. The …
processes in internal combustion engine components and their acoustic behavior. The …
[PDF][PDF] Heat transfer enhancement in pipe using Al2O3/water nanofluid
Convection heat transfer is widely used in many industrial heat and cooling systems. The
heat convection can be enhanced passively by adding metal nanoparticles in the water that …
heat convection can be enhanced passively by adding metal nanoparticles in the water that …
Higher-order compact-flow field-dependent variation (HOC-FDV) method for solving two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
In this article, a new, higher-order accurate method, namely higher-order compact-flow field-
dependent variation (HOC-FDV) method, has been developed to solve two-dimensional …
dependent variation (HOC-FDV) method, has been developed to solve two-dimensional …
Methodology for the numerical characterization of a radial turbine under steady and pulsating flow
P Fajardo Peña - 2012 - riunet.upv.es
The increasing use of turbochargers is leading to an outstanding research to understand the
internal flow in turbomachines. In this frame, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is one of …
internal flow in turbomachines. In this frame, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is one of …
Effects of Surface Roughness on Friction Factors in Circular Galvanized Steel (GS) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Tubes
The study of friction losses in pipes used in engineering and industry is important to improve
flow efficiency and reduce the energy required to transport fluids. The surface roughness of …
flow efficiency and reduce the energy required to transport fluids. The surface roughness of …
Exponential compact higher order scheme for steady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Abstract An Exponential Compact Higher Order (ECHO) scheme is developed for the stream
function voracity form of steady viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The …
function voracity form of steady viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The …
Effect of Al2O3/H2O Nanofluid on the Flow and Forced Convection Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Pipe Using Commercial CFD Code
The use of advanced nanofluids increases and improves the heat transfer process in
different industrial and engineering applications compared to conventional fluids. In recent …
different industrial and engineering applications compared to conventional fluids. In recent …
A very efficient class of HOC schemes for the one-dimensional Euler equations of gas dynamics
This manuscript introduces a class of higher order compact schemes for the solution of one
dimensional (1-D) Euler equations of gas dynamics. These schemes are fourth order …
dimensional (1-D) Euler equations of gas dynamics. These schemes are fourth order …
[PDF][PDF] Flowfield-Dependent Variation Method for Moving-Boundary Problems
AA Omar - core.ac.uk
I. Introduction [i HE study of fluid phenomena is highly dependent on numerical I simulations
because computational approaches are usually more economical. In fluid mechanics, such …
because computational approaches are usually more economical. In fluid mechanics, such …