Performance analysis of stable election protocol and its extensions in WSN
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is one of trending technology in wireless communication.
Energy consumption is a major issue in WSN. Therefore most of the routing protocols are …
Energy consumption is a major issue in WSN. Therefore most of the routing protocols are …
[PDF][PDF] Analytical study of an improved cluster based routing protocol in wireless sensor network
Objectives: To analyze the homogeneous protocols like Low Energy Adaptive Clustering
Hierarchy (LEACH), Improved Energy Balanced Routing Protocol (IEBRP) and some of the …
Hierarchy (LEACH), Improved Energy Balanced Routing Protocol (IEBRP) and some of the …
Prolonging the network lifetime of heterogeneous WSNS using MECRSEP
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) contain a large number of sensor nodes that are
equipped to handle complex functionalities, the network processing may require the sensors …
equipped to handle complex functionalities, the network processing may require the sensors …
Analytical Study of SEP & M-SEP in Wireless Sensor Network with Heterogeneous Platform
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are growing in every aspects ranging from measuring
temperature, humidity, rainfall to the battle field. In this type of application there are large …
temperature, humidity, rainfall to the battle field. In this type of application there are large …
Extending Network Life Time of WSN Through an Optimal Number of Aggregator Nodes for Data Aggregation Protocols
SA Khowaja, IK Lakho, LD Dhomeja - International Multi Topic Conference, 2013 - Springer
Maximization of life of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a challenging task. As WSNs are
energy-constraint networks, it is very important for them to use their energy in an efficient …
energy-constraint networks, it is very important for them to use their energy in an efficient …
[معلومات الإصدار][C] Heterojen mimarilerde kablosuz sensör ağlar için dağıtık kümeleme yaklaşımı uygulaması
ÜM Akkaya - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü