The Integration of Prediction and Planning in Deep Learning Automated Driving Systems: A Review
Automated driving has the potential to revolutionize personal, public, and freight mobility.
Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe …
Beside accurately perceiving the environment, automated vehicles must plan a safe …
Learning to play trajectory games against opponents with unknown objectives
Many autonomous agents, such as intelligent vehicles, are inherently required to interact
with one another. Game theory provides a natural mathematical tool for robot motion …
with one another. Game theory provides a natural mathematical tool for robot motion …
Blending data-driven priors in dynamic games
As intelligent robots like autonomous vehicles become increasingly deployed in the
presence of people, the extent to which these systems should leverage model-based game …
presence of people, the extent to which these systems should leverage model-based game …
Graph-based Scenario-Adaptive Lane-Changing Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving
Trajectory planning is one of the key challenges to the rapid and large-scale deployment of
autonomous driving. The lane-changing trajectory planning algorithm for autonomous …
autonomous driving. The lane-changing trajectory planning algorithm for autonomous …
A Sampling-Based Approach to Urban Motion Planning Games with Stochastic Dynamics
Urban driving is a challenging task that requires autonomous agents to account for the
stochastic dynamics and interactions with other vehicles. In this paper, we propose a novel …
stochastic dynamics and interactions with other vehicles. In this paper, we propose a novel …
Learning Coalition Structures with Games
Coalitions naturally exist in many real-world systems involving multiple decision makers
such as ridesharing, security, and online ad auctions, but the coalition structure among the …
such as ridesharing, security, and online ad auctions, but the coalition structure among the …
Learning rationality in potential games
We propose a stochastic first-order algorithm to learn the rationality parameters of
simultaneous and non-cooperative potential games, ie, the parameters of the agents' …
simultaneous and non-cooperative potential games, ie, the parameters of the agents' …
On a Connection between Differential Games, Optimal Control, and Energy-based Models for Multi-Agent Interactions
Game theory offers an interpretable mathematical framework for modeling multi-agent
interactions. However, its applicability in real-world robotics applications is hindered by …
interactions. However, its applicability in real-world robotics applications is hindered by …
Generalized dynamic cognitive hierarchy models for strategic driving behavior
While there has been an increasing focus on the use of game theoretic models for
autonomous driving, empirical evidence shows that there are still open questions around …
autonomous driving, empirical evidence shows that there are still open questions around …
I know you can't see me: Dynamic occlusion-aware safety validation of strategic planners for autonomous vehicles using hypergames
A particular challenge for both autonomous and human driving is dealing with risk
associated with dynamic occlusion, ie, occlusion caused by other vehicles in traffic. Based …
associated with dynamic occlusion, ie, occlusion caused by other vehicles in traffic. Based …