Pyrodiversity and biodiversity: A history, synthesis, and outlook
Aim Pyrodiversity is the spatial or temporal variability in fire effects across a landscape.
Multiple ecological hypotheses, when applied to the context of post‐fire systems, suggest …
Multiple ecological hypotheses, when applied to the context of post‐fire systems, suggest …
Lidar boosts 3D ecological observations and modelings: A review and perspective
The advent of lidar has revolutionized the way we observe and measure vegetation structure
from the ground and from above and represents a major advance toward the quantification …
from the ground and from above and represents a major advance toward the quantification …
Pyrosilviculture needed for landscape resilience of dry western United States forests
A significant increase in treatment pace and scale is needed to restore dry western US forest
resilience owing to increasingly frequent and severe wildfire and drought. We propose a …
resilience owing to increasingly frequent and severe wildfire and drought. We propose a …
Mega‐disturbances cause rapid decline of mature conifer forest habitat in California
Mature forests provide important wildlife habitat and support critical ecosystem functions
globally. Within the dry conifer forests of the western United States, past management and …
globally. Within the dry conifer forests of the western United States, past management and …
Operational resilience in western US frequent-fire forests
With the increasing frequency and severity of altered disturbance regimes in dry, western US
forests, treatments promoting resilience have become a management objective but have …
forests, treatments promoting resilience have become a management objective but have …
Fire and climate change: conserving seasonally dry forests is still possible
The destructive wildfires that occurred recently in the western US starkly foreshadow the
possible future of forest ecosystems and human communities in the region. With increases in …
possible future of forest ecosystems and human communities in the region. With increases in …
Tamm Review: Reforestation for resilience in dry western US forests
The increasing frequency and severity of fire and drought events have negatively impacted
the capacity and success of reforestation efforts in many dry, western US forests. Challenges …
the capacity and success of reforestation efforts in many dry, western US forests. Challenges …
Applying LiDAR individual tree detection to management of structurally diverse forest landscapes
LiDAR individual tree detection (ITD) is a promising tool for measuring forests at a scale that
is meaningful ecologically and useful for forest managers. However, most ITD research …
is meaningful ecologically and useful for forest managers. However, most ITD research …
Forest thinning and prescribed burning treatments reduce wildfire severity and buffer the impacts of severe fire weather
Background The capacity of forest fuel treatments to moderate the behavior and severity of
subsequent wildfires depends on weather and fuel conditions at the time of burning …
subsequent wildfires depends on weather and fuel conditions at the time of burning …
Innovative wood use can enable carbon-beneficial forest management in California
Responsible stewardship of temperate forests can address key challenges posed by climate
change through sequestering carbon, producing low-carbon products, and mitigating …
change through sequestering carbon, producing low-carbon products, and mitigating …