Recent innovations in 2D magnetic materials and their potential applications in the modern era
In recent years, enormous efforts have been made to identify and manipulate the exotic
electrical and magnetic properties at a two-dimensional (2D) limit of various exciting …
electrical and magnetic properties at a two-dimensional (2D) limit of various exciting …
Ferroelectric switching of a two-dimensional metal
A ferroelectric is a material with a polar structure whose polarity can be reversed (switched)
by applying an electric field,. In metals, itinerant electrons screen electrostatic forces …
by applying an electric field,. In metals, itinerant electrons screen electrostatic forces …
Observation of the quantum spin Hall effect up to 100 kelvin in a monolayer crystal
A variety of monolayer crystals have been proposed to be two-dimensional topological
insulators exhibiting the quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE), possibly even at high …
insulators exhibiting the quantum spin Hall effect (QSHE), possibly even at high …
Nonlinear anomalous Hall effect in few-layer WTe2
The Hall effect occurs only in systems with broken time-reversal symmetry, such as materials
under an external magnetic field in the ordinary Hall effect and magnetic materials in the …
under an external magnetic field in the ordinary Hall effect and magnetic materials in the …
Gate-induced superconductivity in a monolayer topological insulator
The layered semimetal tungsten ditelluride (WTe2) has recently been found to be a two-
dimensional topological insulator (2D TI) when thinned down to a single monolayer, with …
dimensional topological insulator (2D TI) when thinned down to a single monolayer, with …
Control over Berry Curvature Dipole with Electric Field in
Berry curvature dipole plays an important role in various nonlinear quantum phenomena.
However, the maximum symmetry allowed for nonzero Berry curvature dipole in the …
However, the maximum symmetry allowed for nonzero Berry curvature dipole in the …
Van der Waals thin films of WTe2 for natural hyperbolic plasmonic surfaces
A hyperbolic plasmonic surface supports highly directional propagating polaritons with
extremely large density of states. Such plasmon polaritons have been realized in artificially …
extremely large density of states. Such plasmon polaritons have been realized in artificially …
Experimental progress on layered topological semimetals
We review recent experimental progresses on layered topological materials, mainly focusing
on transitional metal dichalcogenides with various lattice types including 1T, T d and …
on transitional metal dichalcogenides with various lattice types including 1T, T d and …
Landau quantization and highly mobile fermions in an insulator
In strongly correlated materials, quasiparticle excitations can carry fractional quantum
numbers. An intriguing possibility is the formation of fractionalized, charge-neutral fermions …
numbers. An intriguing possibility is the formation of fractionalized, charge-neutral fermions …
Thickness dependence of spin-orbit torques generated by
We study current-induced torques in WTe 2/permalloy bilayers as a function of WTe 2
thickness. We measure the torques using both second-harmonic Hall and spin-torque …
thickness. We measure the torques using both second-harmonic Hall and spin-torque …