A SPEC RG cloud group's vision on the performance challenges of FaaS cloud architectures
As a key part of the serverless computing paradigm, Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms
enable users to run arbitrary functions without being concerned about operational issues …
enable users to run arbitrary functions without being concerned about operational issues …
Beyond load balancing: Package-aware scheduling for serverless platforms
G Aumala, E Boza, L Ortiz-Avilés… - 2019 19th IEEE/ACM …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Fast deployment and execution of cloud functions in Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms
is critical, for example, for microservices architectures. However, functions that require large …
is critical, for example, for microservices architectures. However, functions that require large …
Package-aware scheduling of faas functions
We consider the problem of scheduling small cloud functions on serverless computing
platforms. Fast deployment and execution of these functions is critical, for example, for …
platforms. Fast deployment and execution of these functions is critical, for example, for …
[HTML][HTML] Job schedulers for big data processing in Hadoop environment: testing real-life schedulers using benchmark programs
At present, big data is very popular, because it has proved to be much successful in many
fields such as social media, E-commerce transactions, etc. Big data describes the tools and …
fields such as social media, E-commerce transactions, etc. Big data describes the tools and …
Allocation priority policies for serverless function-execution scheduling optimisation
Serverless computing is a Cloud development paradigm where developers write and
compose stateless functions, abstracting from their deployment and scaling. In this paper …
compose stateless functions, abstracting from their deployment and scaling. In this paper …
Improving MapReduce heterogeneous performance using KNN fair share scheduling
MapReduce is one of the essential programming models for parallel processing and
distributed storage of enormous data sets. The default Hadoop implementation assumes that …
distributed storage of enormous data sets. The default Hadoop implementation assumes that …
Cloud computing value chains: Research from the operations management perspective
Problem definition: Cloud computing is recognized as a critical driver of information
technology–enabled innovations. The operations management (OM) community, however …
technology–enabled innovations. The operations management (OM) community, however …
GB-PANDAS: Throughput and heavy-traffic optimality analysis for affinity scheduling
Dynamic affinity scheduling has been an open problem for nearly three decades. The
problem is to dynamically schedule multi-type tasks to multi-skilled servers such that the …
problem is to dynamically schedule multi-type tasks to multi-skilled servers such that the …
On the distributions of infinite server queues with batch arrivals
Queues that feature multiple entities arriving simultaneously are among the oldest models in
queueing theory, and are often referred to as “batch”(or, in some cases,“bulk”) arrival …
queueing theory, and are often referred to as “batch”(or, in some cases,“bulk”) arrival …
Data locality optimization based on data migration and hotspots prediction in geo-distributed cloud environment
C Li, J Zhang, T Ma, H Tang, L Zhang, Y Luo - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019 - Elsevier
With the explosive growth of data-intensive mobile, social, commercial and industrial
applications, geo-distributed cloud becomes the main trend of cloud computing due to its …
applications, geo-distributed cloud becomes the main trend of cloud computing due to its …