Using DIME maps and STEM project-based learning to teach physics

MS Rugh, DJ Beyette, MM Capraro… - … Technology and Smart …, 2021‏ -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine a week-long science, technology,
engineering and mathematics (STEM) project-based learning (PBL) activity that integrates a …

[PDF][PDF] STEM Education Research, Policy, and Practice in the Caribbean: Imperatives for the Next 5 Years

AE Sweeney, HK Williams, L George - 2024‏ -
The quest to achieve consensus regarding a comprehensive and “universal” definition of
science-technology-engineering-mathematics (STEM) education continues to preoccupy …

[PDF][PDF] STEM Education Research, Policy and Practice in the Caribbean: Imperatives for the Next Five Years

AE Sweeney, HK Williams… - Caribbean Journal of …, 2024‏ -
The last 10 years have seen repeated calls of increasing urgency regarding the importance
of STEM and STEM education in the Caribbean regional economy (iNews Guyana, 2018; …

Exploring Discourse Communities in a Pre-Service Teacher Preparation Course: An Engaging Instructional Approach

DT Holm, HS Davis - Cultivating Critical Discourse in the Classroom, 2023‏ -
As student populations in classrooms in the United States continue to diversify, the diversity
of classroom teachers lags behind significantly. It has become increasingly important for …

Making Meaningful Connections with Automatically Generated, Dynamic, and Interactive Concept Maps

MS Rugh - 2021‏ -
In this four-article dissertation, I propose and examine the use of an educational technology,
Dynamic and Interactive Mathematical Expressions (DIME) maps, to improve learning of …

Instructor Feedback as Disciplinary Cultivation: Using Anxiety/Uncertainty Management to Explore First-Generation College Students' Negotiation of Academic Voice …

MA Groznik - 2021‏ -
Abstract First-Generation College Students (FGCSs) experience various obstacles and
tensions when learning to write in academic settings. Previous research has outlined that …