Sport-for-development: A comprehensive analysis of theoretical and conceptual advancements

JW Peachey, N Schulenkorf, P Hill - Sport Management Review, 2020 - Elsevier
Over the past decade, the field of sport-for-development (SFD) has experienced significant
growth and diversification across research and practice. In this review paper, the authors …

A community capacity building approach to sport-based youth development

GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro… - Sport Management …, 2020 - Elsevier
Positive youth development (PYD) is the most popular framework guiding sport-for-
development (SFD) research. To date, much of this work has focused on how sport …

Moving beyond disciplinary silos: The potential for transdisciplinary research in Sport for Development

MA Whitley, H Collison-Randall… - Journal of Sport for …, 2022 -
The Sport for Development (SfD) field is transdisciplinary by nature, and yet scholars tend to
stay within their disciplinary perspectives in their study of SfD. There is a need for more …

Intraorganizational conditions for social innovation in sport for development and peace

PG Svensson, TQ Mahoney - Managing Sport and Leisure, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Research question: What are the intraorganizational conditions necessary for social
innovation in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP)? Research methods: Data were …

Antecedents and outcomes of social innovation: A global study of sport for development and peace organizations

PG Svensson, FO Andersson, TQ Mahoney… - Sport Management …, 2020 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study was to examine antecedents and outcomes of social innovation in
a global sample of sport for development and peace (SDP) organizations. Specifically, the …

Shared leadership in sport for development and peace: A conceptual framework of antecedents and outcomes

S Kang, PG Svensson - Sport Management Review, 2019 - Elsevier
A broad range of organizations are involved in the field of Sport for Development and Peace
(SDP). The complex environmental factors and internal capacity challenges surrounding …

Examining the influence of shared leadership and organizational capacity on performance and innovative work behavior in sport for development and peace

PG Svensson, S Kang, JP Ha - Journal of Sport …, 2019 -
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of shared leadership and
organizational capacity on organizational performance and innovative work behavior (IWB) …

Managing sport for development: An investigation of tensions and paradox

K Raw, E Sherry, N Schulenkorf - Sport Management Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The professionalization of sport for development (SFD) has resulted in the evolution of
increasingly complex organizational environments. As such, these initiatives are often …

“It's Like This One Man's Baby”: Gender and Decision-Making Power in Sport for Development and Peace Organizations

LV Piggott - Journal of Sport Management, 2024 -
Within this article, the author draws on Rao et al.'s theory of the deep structure of
organizations to analyze the extent to which decision-making power across sport for …

Design thinking and sport for development: Enhancing organizational innovation

G Joachim, N Schulenkorf, K Schlenker… - Managing Sport and …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Rationale/purpose: To determine if the field of sport for development (SFD) presents
opportunities for the employment of design thinking approaches toward enhancing …