Gaussian heat kernel upper bounds via the Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem

T Coulhon, A Sikora - Proceedings of the London Mathematical …, 2008 -
Gaussian heat kernel upper bounds via the Phragmén–Lindelöf theorem Page 1 Proc.
London Math. Soc. (3) 96 (2008) 507–544 Cо2007 London Mathematical Society doi:10.1112/plms/pdm050 …

Factorizations and Hardy–Rellich-type inequalities

F Gesztesy, L Littlejohn - Non-linear partial differential equations …, 2018 -
The principal aim of this note is to illustrate how factorizations of singular, evenorder partial
differential operators yield an elementary approach to classical inequalities of Hardy–Rellich …

Some new and short proofs for a class of Caffarelli–Kohn–Nirenberg type inequalities

DG Costa - Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 2008 - Elsevier
In this note we provide simple and short proofs for a class of inequalities of Caffarelli–Kohn–
Nirenberg type with sharp constants. Our approach suggests some definitions of weighted …

Optimal Hardy inequality for the fractional Laplacian on Lp

K Bogdan, T Jakubowski, J Lenczewska… - Journal of Functional …, 2022 - Elsevier
Optimal Hardy inequality for the fractional Laplacian on Lp - ScienceDirect Skip to main
contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Search RegisterSign in View PDF …

Weighted Hardy's inequality and the Kolmogorov equation perturbed by an inverse-square potential

GR Goldstein, JA Goldstein, A Rhandi - Applicable Analysis, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a weak
solution of a Kolmogorov equation perturbed by an inverse-square potential. More precisely …

[HTML][HTML] Weighted Hardy inequalities and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type operators perturbed by multipolar inverse square potentials

A Canale, F Pappalardo - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and …, 2018 - Elsevier
In this paper our main results are the multipolar weighted Hardy inequality c∑ i= 1 n∫ RN φ
2| x− ai| 2 d μ≤∫ RN|∇ φ| 2 d μ+ K∫ RN φ 2 d μ, c≤ co, where the functions φ belong to a …

Weighted energy estimates for wave equation with space-dependent dam** term for slowly decaying initial data

M Sobajima, Y Wakasugi - Communications in Contemporary …, 2019 - World Scientific
This paper is concerned with weighted energy estimates for solutions to wave equation∂ t 2
u− Δ u+ a (x)∂ tu= 0 with space-dependent dam** term a (x)=| x|− α (α∈[0, 1]) in an …

A sequence of weighted Birman–Hardy–Rellich inequalities with logarithmic refinements

F Gesztesy, LL Littlejohn, I Michael… - Integral Equations and …, 2022 - Springer
The principal aim of this paper is to extend Birman's sequence of integral inequalities
originally obtained in Mat. Sb.(NS) 55 (97), 125–174,(1961), and containing Hardy's and …

On global existence for semilinear wave equations with space-dependent critical dam**

M Sobajima - Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2023 -
The global existence for semilinear wave equations with space-dependent critical
dam**∂ 2 tu−∆ u+ V0| x|∂ tu= f (u) in an exterior domain is dealt with, where f (u)=| u| p …

Some results on second-order elliptic operators with polynomially growing coefficients in Lp-spaces

SE Boutiah, L Caso, F Gregorio, C Tacelli - Journal of Mathematical …, 2021 - Elsevier
In this paper we study minimal realizations in L p (RN) of the second order elliptic operator A
b, c:=(1+| x| α) Δ+ b| x| α− 2 x⋅∇− c| x| α− 2−| x| β, x∈ RN, where N≥ 3, α∈[0, 2), β> 0, and …