Angle-resolved photoemission studies of quantum materials
The physics of quantum materials is dictated by many-body interactions and mathematical
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
concepts such as symmetry and topology that have transformed our understanding of matter …
From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides
The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the copper oxides in 1986 triggered
a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has …
a huge amount of innovative scientific inquiry. In the almost three decades since, much has …
Dirac materials
A wide range of materials, like d-wave superconductors, graphene, and topological
insulators, share a fundamental similarity: their low-energy fermionic excitations behave as …
insulators, share a fundamental similarity: their low-energy fermionic excitations behave as …
Unconventional superconductivity
'Conventional'superconductivity, as used in this review, refers to electron–phonon-coupled
superconducting electron pairs described by BCS theory. Unconventional superconductivity …
superconducting electron pairs described by BCS theory. Unconventional superconductivity …
Energy gaps in high-transition-temperature cuprate superconductors
The spectral energy gap is an important signature that defines states of quantum matter:
insulators, density waves and superconductors have very different gap structures. The …
insulators, density waves and superconductors have very different gap structures. The …
Colloquium: Theory of intertwined orders in high temperature superconductors
The electronic phase diagrams of many highly correlated systems, and, in particular, the
cuprate high temperature superconductors, are complex, with many different phases …
cuprate high temperature superconductors, are complex, with many different phases …
A quantum critical point lying beneath the superconducting dome in iron pnictides
Whether a quantum critical point (QCP) lies beneath the superconducting dome has been a
long-standing issue that remains unresolved in many classes of unconventional …
long-standing issue that remains unresolved in many classes of unconventional …
Enhancement of superconductivity near a nematic quantum critical point
We consider a low T c metallic superconductor weakly coupled to the soft fluctuations
associated with proximity to a nematic quantum critical point (NQCP). We show that (1) a …
associated with proximity to a nematic quantum critical point (NQCP). We show that (1) a …
Charge-density-wave order with momentum and within the spin-fermion model: Continuous and discrete symmetry breaking, preemptive composite order …
We analyze charge order in hole-doped cuprates within the the spin-fermion model. We
show that a magnetically mediated interaction, which is known to give rise to d-wave …
show that a magnetically mediated interaction, which is known to give rise to d-wave …
Rapid change of superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling through critical do** in Bi-2212
Electron-boson coupling plays a key role in superconductivity for many systems. However, in
copper-based high–critical temperature (T c) superconductors, its relation to …
copper-based high–critical temperature (T c) superconductors, its relation to …