Inordinate fondness multiplied and redistributed: the number of species on earth and the new pie of life
The number of species on Earth is one of the most fundamental numbers in science, but one
that remains highly uncertain. Clearly, more species exist than the present number of …
that remains highly uncertain. Clearly, more species exist than the present number of …
How to fail at species delimitation
Species delimitation is the act of identifying species‐level biological diversity. In recent
years, the field has witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of methods available for …
years, the field has witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of methods available for …
Estimating global biodiversity: the role of cryptic insect species
How many species are there on Earth and to what groups do these species belong? These
fundamental questions span systematics, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Yet, recent …
fundamental questions span systematics, ecology, and evolutionary biology. Yet, recent …
Comparison of methods for molecular species delimitation across a range of speciation scenarios
Species are fundamental units in biological research and can be defined on the basis of
various operational criteria. There has been growing use of molecular approaches for …
various operational criteria. There has been growing use of molecular approaches for …
Unguided species delimitation using DNA sequence data from multiple loci
A method was developed for simultaneous Bayesian inference of species delimitation and
species phylogeny using the multispecies coalescent model. The method eliminates the …
species phylogeny using the multispecies coalescent model. The method eliminates the …
Coalescent-based species delimitation in an integrative taxonomy
The statistical rigor of species delimitation has increased dramatically over the past decade.
Coalescent theory provides powerful models for population genetic inference, and is now …
Coalescent theory provides powerful models for population genetic inference, and is now …
DNA-based species delimitation in algae
Given the problems of species delimitation in algae using morphology or sexual
compatibility, molecular data are becoming the standard for delimiting species and testing …
compatibility, molecular data are becoming the standard for delimiting species and testing …
Species delimitation with gene flow
Species are commonly thought to be evolutionarily independent in a way that populations
within a species are not. In recent years, studies that seek to identify evolutionarily …
within a species are not. In recent years, studies that seek to identify evolutionarily …
The multispecies coalescent over-splits species in the case of geographically widespread taxa
Many recent species delimitation studies rely exclusively on limited analyses of genetic data
analyzed under the multispecies coalescent (MSC) model, and results from these studies …
analyzed under the multispecies coalescent (MSC) model, and results from these studies …
Guidelines for DNA taxonomy, with a focus on the meiofauna
Describing biological diversity is a challenging endeavour, especially for the small, cryptic
animals that make up the meiofauna. The field of DNA taxonomy, ie, the use of DNA to …
animals that make up the meiofauna. The field of DNA taxonomy, ie, the use of DNA to …