A review on physical remediation techniques for treatment of marine oil spills
There is a huge risk of contamination of water bodies due to the various oil exploration,
transport, and industrial operational activities that are taking place across the world. Physical …
transport, and industrial operational activities that are taking place across the world. Physical …
Synthesis, properties, and applications of hollow micro-/nanostructures
In this Review, we aim to provide an updated summary of the research related to hollow
micro-and nanostructures, covering both their synthesis and their applications. After a brief …
micro-and nanostructures, covering both their synthesis and their applications. After a brief …
Advanced sorbents for oil‐spill cleanup: recent advances and future perspectives
Oil sorbents play a very important part in the remediation processes of oil spills. To enhance
the oil‐sorption properties and simplify the oil‐recovery process, various advanced oil …
the oil‐sorption properties and simplify the oil‐recovery process, various advanced oil …
Rice straw agri-waste for water pollutant adsorption: Relevant mesoporous super hydrophobic cellulose aerogel
M Dilamian, B Noroozi - Carbohydrate polymers, 2021 - Elsevier
A simplistic synthesis approach for fabrication of ultra-light density (2.2 to 24 mg. cm− 3),
highly porous (98.4%–99.8%), and cross-linked natural cellulose aerogel from rice straw …
highly porous (98.4%–99.8%), and cross-linked natural cellulose aerogel from rice straw …
Special wettable materials for oil/water separation
Z Xue, Y Cao, N Liu, L Feng, L Jiang - Journal of Materials Chemistry …, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
Oil/water separation is an important field, not only for scientific research but also for practical
applications aiming to resolve industrial oily wastewater and oil-spill pollution, as well as …
applications aiming to resolve industrial oily wastewater and oil-spill pollution, as well as …
Carbon‐based functional materials derived from waste for water remediation and energy storage
Carbon‐based functional materials hold the key for solving global challenges in the areas of
water scarcity and the energy crisis. Although carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene have …
water scarcity and the energy crisis. Although carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene have …
Ultralightweight and flexible silylated nanocellulose sponges for the selective removal of oil from water
In this work, we report the facile synthesis of hydrophobic, flexible, and ultralightweight
(ρsponge≤ 17.3 mg/cm3) nanocellulose sponges using a novel and efficient silylation …
(ρsponge≤ 17.3 mg/cm3) nanocellulose sponges using a novel and efficient silylation …
Functionalized cellulose for water purification, antimicrobial applications, and sensors
As the most abundant natural polymer, cellulose presents a unique advantage for large‐
scale applications. To fully unlock its potential, the introduction of desired functional groups …
scale applications. To fully unlock its potential, the introduction of desired functional groups …
Amphiphilic superabsorbent cellulose nanofibril aerogels
Ultra-light (1.7 to 8.1 mg cm− 3) and ultra-porous (99.5 to 99.9%) aerogels have been
assembled from cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) that were defibrillated from rice straw cellulose …
assembled from cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) that were defibrillated from rice straw cellulose …
[HTML][HTML] Application of sorbents for oil spill cleanup focusing on natural-based modified materials: a review
Conventional synthetic sorbents for oil spill removal are the most widely applied materials,
although they are not the optimal choices from an economic and environmental point of …
although they are not the optimal choices from an economic and environmental point of …