Shuhai: Benchmarking high bandwidth memory on fpgas
FPGAs are starting to be enhanced with High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) as a way to reduce
the memory bandwidth bottleneck encountered in some applications and to give the FPGA …
the memory bandwidth bottleneck encountered in some applications and to give the FPGA …
[PDF][PDF] Is fpga useful for hash joins?
Benefiting from the fine-grained parallelism and energy efficiency, heterogeneous
computing platforms featuring FP-GAs are becoming more and more common in data …
computing platforms featuring FP-GAs are becoming more and more common in data …
FBLAS: Streaming linear algebra on FPGA
Spatial computing architectures pose an attractive alternative to mitigate control and data
movement overheads typical of load-store architectures. In practice, these devices are rarely …
movement overheads typical of load-store architectures. In practice, these devices are rarely …
On-the-fly parallel data shuffling for graph processing on OpenCL-based FPGAs
Graph processing has attracted much attention recently due to its popularity in many big
data analytic applications. With high performance and energy efficiency, FPGAs can be an …
data analytic applications. With high performance and energy efficiency, FPGAs can be an …
Accelerating generalized linear models with MLWeaving: A one-size-fits-all system for any-precision learning
Learning from the data stored in a database is an important function increasingly available
in relational engines. Methods using lower precision input data are of special interest given …
in relational engines. Methods using lower precision input data are of special interest given …
Boyi: A systematic framework for automatically deciding the right execution model of OpenCL applications on FPGAs
FPGA vendors provide OpenCL software development kits for easier programmability, with
the goal of replacing the time-consuming and error-prone register-transfer level (RTL) …
the goal of replacing the time-consuming and error-prone register-transfer level (RTL) …
OpenCL for HPC with FPGAs: Case study in molecular electrostatics
FPGAs have emerged as a cost-effective accelerator alternative in clouds and clusters.
Programmability remains a challenge, however, with OpenCL being generally recognized …
Programmability remains a challenge, however, with OpenCL being generally recognized …
ACTS: A Near-Memory FPGA Graph Processing Framework
Despite the high off-chip bandwidth and on-chip parallelism offered by today's near-memory
accelerators, software-based (CPU and GPU) graph processing frameworks still suffer …
accelerators, software-based (CPU and GPU) graph processing frameworks still suffer …
Optimized implementation of OpenCL kernels on FPGAs
Abstract Recently Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) vendors, such as Altera and
**linx released an Open Computing Language Software Development Kit (OpenCL SDK) …
**linx released an Open Computing Language Software Development Kit (OpenCL SDK) …
Benchmarking high bandwidth memory on fpgas
FPGAs are starting to be enhanced with High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) as a way to reduce
the memory bandwidth bottleneck encountered in some applications and to give the FPGA …
the memory bandwidth bottleneck encountered in some applications and to give the FPGA …