Fire as a driver and mediator of predator–prey interactions
Both fire and predators have strong influences on the population dynamics and behaviour of
animals, and the effects of predators may either be strengthened or weakened by fire …
animals, and the effects of predators may either be strengthened or weakened by fire …
Governance and conservation effectiveness in protected areas and indigenous and locally managed areas
Increased conservation action to protect more habitat and species is fueling a vigorous
debate about the relative effectiveness of different sorts of protected areas. Here we review …
debate about the relative effectiveness of different sorts of protected areas. Here we review …
Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic
Globally, collapse of ecosystems—potentially irreversible change to ecosystem structure,
composition and function—imperils biodiversity, human health and well‐being. We examine …
composition and function—imperils biodiversity, human health and well‐being. We examine …
Ongoing unraveling of a continental fauna: decline and extinction of Australian mammals since European settlement
The highly distinctive and mostly endemic Australian land mammal fauna has suffered an
extraordinary rate of extinction (> 10% of the 273 endemic terrestrial species) over the last∼ …
extraordinary rate of extinction (> 10% of the 273 endemic terrestrial species) over the last∼ …
Enumerating a continental-scale threat: how many feral cats are in Australia?
Feral cats (Felis catus) have devastated wildlife globally. In Australia, feral cats are
implicated in most recent mammal extinctions and continue to threaten native species. Cat …
implicated in most recent mammal extinctions and continue to threaten native species. Cat …
Little left to lose: deforestation and forest degradation in Australia since European colonization
Aims Australia is among one of the world's wealthiest nations; yet, its relatively small human
population (22.5 million) has been responsible for extensive deforestation and forest …
population (22.5 million) has been responsible for extensive deforestation and forest …
Ecosystem restoration with teeth: what role for predators?
Recent advances highlight the potential for predators to restore ecosystems and confer
resilience against globally threatening processes, including climate change and biological …
resilience against globally threatening processes, including climate change and biological …
Severe mammal declines coincide with proliferation of invasive Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park
Invasive species represent a significant threat to global biodiversity and a substantial
economic burden. Burmese pythons, giant constricting snakes native to Asia, now are found …
economic burden. Burmese pythons, giant constricting snakes native to Asia, now are found …
[HTML][HTML] Feral cats are better killers in open habitats, revealed by animal-borne video
One of the key gaps in understanding the impacts of predation by small mammalian
predators on prey is how habitat structure affects the hunting success of small predators …
predators on prey is how habitat structure affects the hunting success of small predators …
Animal movements in fire‐prone landscapes
Movement is a trait of fundamental importance in ecosystems subject to frequent
disturbances, such as fire‐prone ecosystems. Despite this, the role of movement in …
disturbances, such as fire‐prone ecosystems. Despite this, the role of movement in …