Geometrically necessary dislocations and related kinematic hardening in gradient grained materials: A nonlocal crystal plasticity study
Gradient grained metals whose microstructure is characterized by a spatially graded grain
size distribution show a better strength-ductility combination than their homogeneous …
size distribution show a better strength-ductility combination than their homogeneous …
Continuum dislocation dynamics: towards a physical theory of crystal plasticity
The plastic deformation of metals is the result of the motion and interaction of dislocations,
line defects of the crystalline structure. Continuum models of plasticity, however, remain …
line defects of the crystalline structure. Continuum models of plasticity, however, remain …
A novel continuum dislocation density field-based crystal plasticity theory
In this work, a novel dislocation density field-based crystal plasticity formulation, that
incorporates up-scaled continuum dislocation density fields to represent all possible …
incorporates up-scaled continuum dislocation density fields to represent all possible …
Thermodynamically consistent continuum dislocation dynamics
T Hochrainer - Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016 - Elsevier
Dislocation based modeling of plasticity is one of the central challenges at the crossover of
materials science and continuum mechanics. Develo** a continuum theory of dislocations …
materials science and continuum mechanics. Develo** a continuum theory of dislocations …
Continuum modeling of dislocation plasticity: Theory, numerical implementation, and validation by discrete dislocation simulations
Miniaturization of components and devices calls for an increased effort on physically
motivated continuum theories, which can predict size-dependent plasticity by accounting for …
motivated continuum theories, which can predict size-dependent plasticity by accounting for …
Obstacles and sources in dislocation dynamics: Strengthening and statistics of abrupt plastic events in nanopillar compression
Mechanical deformation of nanopillars displays features that are distinctly different from the
bulk behavior of single crystals: Yield strength increases with decreasing size and plastic …
bulk behavior of single crystals: Yield strength increases with decreasing size and plastic …
Numerical implementation of a 3D continuum theory of dislocation dynamics and application to micro-bending
Crystal plasticity is governed by the motion of lattice dislocations. Although continuum
theories of static dislocation assemblies date back to the 1950s, the line-like character of …
theories of static dislocation assemblies date back to the 1950s, the line-like character of …
On dislocation pileups and stress-gradient dependent plastic flow
In strain-gradient plasticity, the length scale controlling size effect has been attributed to so-
called geometrically necessary dislocations. This size dependency in plasticity can also be …
called geometrically necessary dislocations. This size dependency in plasticity can also be …
Deformation and strain localization in polycrystals with plastically heterogeneous grains
A model of a polycrystalline material is studied, where each grain consists of several zones
with different plastic properties. The size and configuration of the zones as well as their …
with different plastic properties. The size and configuration of the zones as well as their …
A new dislocation-density-function dynamics scheme for computational crystal plasticity by explicit consideration of dislocation elastic interactions
Current strategies of computational crystal plasticity that focus on individual atoms or
dislocations are impractical for real-scale, large-strain problems even with today's computing …
dislocations are impractical for real-scale, large-strain problems even with today's computing …