[PDF][PDF] Entanglement quantification using various inseparability criteria for correlated photons

T Abebe, N Gemechu, K Shogile… - Romanian Journal of …, 2020 - rjp.nipne.ro
In this paper, a detailed comparison among the exhibited nature of entanglement of the
cavity radiation of the non-degenerate three-level cascade laser with a coherently driven …

Entanglement Quantification of Correlated Photons Generated by Three‐Level Laser with Parametric Amplifier and Coupled to a Two‐Mode Vacuum Reservoir

C Gashu, E Mosisa, T Abebe - Advances in Mathematical …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, the detailed inseparability criteria of entanglement quantification of correlated
two‐mode light generated by a three‐level laser with a coherently driven parametric …

Non-Markovian dynamics of two non-coupled qubits interacting with two separate reservoirs with different spectral densities

XY Wang, BF Ding, HP Zhao - Chinese Physics B, 2013 - iopscience.iop.org
The dynamics of two non-coupled qubits independently interacting with their reservoirs is
solved by the time convolutionless projection operator method. We study two-qubit quantum …

[PDF][PDF] The quantum features of correlated photons with the effect of phase fluctuation

AG Kumela, AB Gemta, AK Hordofa… - Ukrainian journal of …, 2023 - ujp.bitp.kiev.ua
We theoretically investigate the effect of phase fluctuations on correlated photons resulting
from nondegenerate three-level atoms under the cavity radiation. The photon statistics …

Tunable quantum and statistical features of the two-mode radiation generated by a correlated emission laser injected with squeezed radiation

CG Feyisa, T Abebe, N Gemechu, J Amsalu - The European Physical …, 2021 - Springer
The role of phase fluctuation on the quantum and statistical features of the two-mode
radiation produced by a correlated emission laser which is externally injected with squeezed …

The transfer and monogamy of quantum correlations for two qubits

P Xu, D Wang, L Ye - International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2014 - Springer
In this paper the entanglement and the quantum discord (QD) dynamics of two cavities
interacting with a common independent reservoir are investigated. Remarkably, it has been …

[PDF][PDF] 微波驱动双模四能级单原子中连续变量纠缠的制备

宋明玉, 吴耀德 - 物理学报, 2013 - wulixb.iphy.ac.cn
微波驱动双模四能级单原子中连续变量纠缠的制备* Page 1 物理学报Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 62,
No. 6 (2013) 064207 微波驱动双模四能级单原子中连续变量纠缠的制备* 宋明玉† 吴耀德 ( 长江 …

[การอ้างอิง][C] Non-Markovian dynamics of two non-coupled qubits interacting with two separate reservoirs with different spectral densities

王小云, 丁邦福, 赵鹤** - **物理 B: 英文版, 2013

[การอ้างอิง][C] Preparation of steady-state entanglement via a laser-excited resonant interaction

程广玲, 陈爱喜, 耿珺, 钟文学, 邓黎 - **物理 B: 英文版, 2012