Motivation in organizational behavior: History, advances and prospects
In this article we selectively review major advances in research on motivation in work and
organizational behavior since the founding of Organizational Behavior and Human …
organizational behavior since the founding of Organizational Behavior and Human …
Negative social ties: Prevalence and consequences
S Offer - Annual Review of Sociology, 2021 -
Recent decades have seen a surge of interest in negative ties and the negative aspects of
social relationships. Researchers in different fields have studied negative ties and their …
social relationships. Researchers in different fields have studied negative ties and their …
The space between us: A social-functional emotions view of ambivalent and indifferent workplace relationships
Workplace relationships are a cornerstone of management research. At the same time, there
remain pressing calls for work relationships to be front and center in management literature …
remain pressing calls for work relationships to be front and center in management literature …
Dissonant ties in intraorganizational networks: Why individuals seek problem-solving assistance from difficult colleagues
J Brennecke - Academy of Management Journal, 2020 -
This paper investigates employees seeking problem-solving assistance from colleagues
with whom they find it difficult to work. In so doing, the paper introduces the construct of …
with whom they find it difficult to work. In so doing, the paper introduces the construct of …
Kee** it between us: Managerial endorsement of public versus private voice.
When employees use public settings such as team meetings to engage in voice—the
expression of work ideas or concerns, they can spur useful discussions, action planning …
expression of work ideas or concerns, they can spur useful discussions, action planning …
Barriers and boosts: Using inequity frames theory to expand understanding of mechanisms of race and gender inequity
Inequity can be framed in terms of disadvantage or advantage, with different consequences
for how people understand the inequity. Here we ask, how do scholars conceptualize race …
for how people understand the inequity. Here we ask, how do scholars conceptualize race …
Sharing economy platforms: An equity theory perspective on reciprocity and commitment
The objective of this research is threefold:(1) to examine the underpinnings of perceived
reciprocity in the sharing economy,(2) to explore the cognitive and behavioural outcomes of …
reciprocity in the sharing economy,(2) to explore the cognitive and behavioural outcomes of …
Going for it on fourth down: Rivalry increases risk taking, physiological arousal, and promotion focus
Risk taking is fundamental to organizational decision making. Extending prior work that has
identified individual and situational antecedents of risk taking, we explore a significant …
identified individual and situational antecedents of risk taking, we explore a significant …
Co-worker reactions to i-deals through the lens of social comparison: The role of fairness and emotions
The individualization of working conditions has culminated in the form of “i-deals,” which are
uniquely negotiated arrangements between employees (i-dealers) and their supervisor …
uniquely negotiated arrangements between employees (i-dealers) and their supervisor …
Losing your temper and your perspective: Anger reduces perspective-taking
Across six studies, we find that both incidental anger and integral anger reduce perspective-
taking. In Study 1, participants who felt incidental anger were less likely to take others' …
taking. In Study 1, participants who felt incidental anger were less likely to take others' …