Social media and innovation: A systematic literature review and future research directions
Social media are privileged vehicles to generate rich data created with unprecedented multi-
faceted insights to drive faster ideation and commercialisation of client-centric innovations …
faceted insights to drive faster ideation and commercialisation of client-centric innovations …
Information technology, materiality, and organizational change: A professional odyssey
We begin with a retrospective reflection on the first author's research career, which in large
part is devoted to research about the implications of information technology (IT) for …
part is devoted to research about the implications of information technology (IT) for …
Does international entrepreneurial orientation foster innovation performance? The mediating role of social media and open innovation
This study investigates the relationship between international entrepreneurial orientation
(IEO) and innovation performance. It analyzes IEO as a key antecedent of innovation …
(IEO) and innovation performance. It analyzes IEO as a key antecedent of innovation …
Social media as tool for facilitating knowledge creation and innovation in small and medium enterprises
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of social media usage on four
knowledge creation processes, namely socialisation, externalisation, combination and …
knowledge creation processes, namely socialisation, externalisation, combination and …
The performance implications of leveraging internal innovation through social media networks: An empirical verification of the smart fashion industry
Despite rigorous empirical research exploring the changes in innovation dynamics triggered
by Social Media Networks (SMNs), the benefits coming from the use of these digital …
by Social Media Networks (SMNs), the benefits coming from the use of these digital …
The role of crowdfunding in moving towards a sustainable society
Crowdfunding presents many opportunities for moving towards a sustainable society, with
specific interest for sustainable entrepreneurs and innovators. In order to examine the …
specific interest for sustainable entrepreneurs and innovators. In order to examine the …
Social media use and consumer shop** preferences
We empirically explore the associations between social media use at home and shop**
preferences using survey data. We focus on popular retail firms including brick-and-mortar …
preferences using survey data. We focus on popular retail firms including brick-and-mortar …
Social media and the new product development during COVID-19: An integrated model for SMEs
Abstract Despite Multinational Enterprises' growing interest in New Product Development
(NPD), research into the use of social media in the NPD process in Small and Medium-sized …
(NPD), research into the use of social media in the NPD process in Small and Medium-sized …
Value co-creation and social media: A systematic literature review using citation and thematic analysis
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to deliver a summary of the influential work regarding
value co-creation in the context of social media. Although, research on the role of social …
value co-creation in the context of social media. Although, research on the role of social …
Social media use: A review of innovation management practices
The use of social media for innovation requires firms to manage rapid information transfers,
big data, and multiway communication. Yet managers lack clear insights on the way social …
big data, and multiway communication. Yet managers lack clear insights on the way social …