Duel: A multi-lingual multimodal dialogue corpus for disfluency, exclamations and laughter
We present the DUEL corpus, consisting of 24 hours of natural, face-to-face, loosely task-
directed dialogue in German, French and Mandarin Chinese. The corpus is uniquely …
directed dialogue in German, French and Mandarin Chinese. The corpus is uniquely …
A review of paralinguistic information processing for natural speech communication
Y Yamashita - Acoustical Science and Technology, 2013 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Speech conveys not only linguistic information but also supplemental information that is not
inferable from written language, such as attitude, speaking style, intention, emotion, mental …
inferable from written language, such as attitude, speaking style, intention, emotion, mental …
Toward automated articulation rate analysis via connected speech in Dysarthrias
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability of different approaches for estimating
the articulation rates in connected speech of Parkinsonian patients with different stages of …
the articulation rates in connected speech of Parkinsonian patients with different stages of …
[HTML][HTML] Automatic word count estimation from daylong child-centered recordings in various language environments using language-independent syllabification of …
Automatic word count estimation (WCE) from audio recordings can be used to quantify the
amount of verbal communication in a recording environment. One key application of WCE is …
amount of verbal communication in a recording environment. One key application of WCE is …
A Lacheret-Dujour, P Pietrandrea, S Kahane - 2019 - torrossa.com
It is with great satisfaction that we welcome the publication of Rhapsodie: a Prosodic and
Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French. is volume follows the conclusion of the Rhapsodie …
Syntactic Treebank for Spoken French. is volume follows the conclusion of the Rhapsodie …
Variation de la durée des pauses silencieuses: impact de la syntaxe, du style de parole et des disfluences
La transformation de la durée brute d'une pause peut s' opérer en relativisant celle des
syllabes environnantes. Cette approche a été appliquée par Lacheret et al.(2013) pour la …
syllabes environnantes. Cette approche a été appliquée par Lacheret et al.(2013) pour la …
The Prosogram model for pitch stylization and its applications in intonation transcription
P Mertens - 2022 - direct.mit.edu
This chapter describes a generic, integrated approach to the analy sis of speech prosody,
covering its acoustic, perceptual, and linguistic manifestations, as well as the relationships …
covering its acoustic, perceptual, and linguistic manifestations, as well as the relationships …
3PRO–An unsupervised method for the automatic detection of sentence prominence in speech
Automatic detection of prominence in speech has attracted interest in recent years due to its
multiple uses in spoken language applications. However, typical approaches require …
multiple uses in spoken language applications. However, typical approaches require …
[PDF][PDF] An evaluation of machine learning methods for prominence detection in French.
The automatic detection of prosodically prominent syllables is crucial for analysing speech,
especially in French where prominence contributes substantially to prosodic grou** and …
especially in French where prominence contributes substantially to prosodic grou** and …
[PDF][PDF] On the Use of the Rhythmogram for Automatic Syllabic Prominence Detection.
In this paper we will investigate the usefulness of the rhythmogram, a speech rhythm
representation based on the Auditory Primal Sketch model, for the automatic detection of …
representation based on the Auditory Primal Sketch model, for the automatic detection of …