S-LDA: Documents classification enrichment for information retrieval

A Drissi, A Tissaoui, S Sassi, R Chbeir… - International Conference …, 2022 - Springer
In recent years, the research on topic modeling techniques has become a hot topic among
researchers thanks to their ability to classify and understand a large text corpora which has a …

An Entity Extraction and Categorization Technique on Twitter Streams

SK Narayanasamy, M Chang - International Journal of Information …, 2024 - World Scientific
As social media platforms have gained huge momentum in recent years, the amount of
information generated from the social media sites is growing exponentially and gives the …

Characterizing the hypergraph-of-entity and the structural impact of its extensions

J Devezas, S Nunes - Applied Network Science, 2020 - Springer
The hypergraph-of-entity is a joint representation model for terms, entities and their relations,
used as an indexing approach in entity-oriented search. In this work, we characterize the …

Graph-based entity-oriented search

J Devezas - ACM SIGIR Forum, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Entity-oriented search has revolutionized search engines. In the era of Google Knowledge
Graph and Microsoft Satori, users demand an effortless process of search. Whether they …

Perangkingan Dokumen Berbahasa Arab Berdasarkan Query dengan Metode Klasifikasi Naïve Bayes dan KNearest Neighbor.

U Kiftiyani, N Yudistira - Techno. com, 2020 - search.ebscohost.com
Penelitian tentang perangkingan dokumen pada temu kembali informasi saat ini mudah
ditemukan, hal ini terkait perkembangan keilmuan dibidang penggalian informasi yang …

Army ANT: A workbench for innovation in entity-oriented search

J Devezas, S Nunes - Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European …, 2020 - Springer
As entity-oriented search takes the lead in modern search, the need for increasingly flexible
tools, capable of motivating innovation in information retrieval research, also becomes more …

Graph-based entity-oriented search: A unified framework in information retrieval

J Devezas - Advances in Information Retrieval: 42nd European …, 2020 - Springer
Modern search engines have evolved beyond document retrieval. Nowadays, the
information needs of the users can be directly satisfied through entity-oriented search, by …

Characterizing the hypergraph-of-entity representation model

J Devezas, S Nunes - Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII …, 2020 - Springer
The hypergraph-of-entity is a joint representation model for terms, entities and their relations,
used as an indexing approach in entity-oriented search. In this work, we characterize the …

Bridging the Gap Between Search and Engineering Domain Content: A User Focused Assessment of Controlled Vocabularies

A Pirone - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Users engaging with knowledge-intensive search environments are often frustrated in their
attempts to find what they need. In the past ten years, literature in the field of Library and …