Climate action requires new accounting guidance and governance frameworks to manage carbon in shelf seas
Accounting guidelines exist for the recording of carbon flows in terrestrial and coastal
ecosystems. Shelf sea sediments, while considered an important carbon store, have yet to …
ecosystems. Shelf sea sediments, while considered an important carbon store, have yet to …
Air–sea exchanges of CO2 in the world's coastal seas
The air–sea exchanges of CO 2 in the world's 165 estuaries and 87 continental shelves are
evaluated. Generally and in all seasons, upper estuaries with salinities of less than two are …
evaluated. Generally and in all seasons, upper estuaries with salinities of less than two are …
ERSEM 15.06: a generic model for marine biogeochemistry and the ecosystem dynamics of the lower trophic levels
The European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) is one of the most established
ecosystem models for the lower trophic levels of the marine food web in the scientific …
ecosystem models for the lower trophic levels of the marine food web in the scientific …
Carbon on the northwest European shelf: Contemporary budget and future influences
A carbon budget for the northwest European continental shelf seas (NWES) was
synthesized using available estimates for coastal, pelagic and benthic carbon stocks and …
synthesized using available estimates for coastal, pelagic and benthic carbon stocks and …
[PDF][PDF] Projected change—North sea
Increasing numbers of regional climate change scenario assessments have become
available for the North Sea. A critical review of the regional studies has helped identify …
available for the North Sea. A critical review of the regional studies has helped identify …
Stratified and nonstratified areas in the N orth S ea: Long‐term variability and biological and policy implications
Abstract The European Unions' Marine Strategy Framework Directive aims to limit
anthropogenic influences in the marine environment. But marine ecosystems are …
anthropogenic influences in the marine environment. But marine ecosystems are …
Disclosing the truth: are models better than observations?
The aphorism,'All models are wrong, but some models are useful', originally referred to
statistical models, but is now used for scientific models in general. When presenting results …
statistical models, but is now used for scientific models in general. When presenting results …
[HTML][HTML] Potential impacts of climate change on the primary production of regional seas: A comparative analysis of five European seas
Regional seas are potentially highly vulnerable to climate change, yet are the most directly
societally important regions of the marine environment. The combination of widely varying …
societally important regions of the marine environment. The combination of widely varying …
Coastal-ocean uptake of anthropogenic carbon
Anthropogenic changes in atmosphere–ocean and atmosphere–land CO 2 fluxes have
been quantified extensively, but few studies have addressed the connection between land …
been quantified extensively, but few studies have addressed the connection between land …
Chesapeake Bay nitrogen fluxes derived from a land‐estuarine ocean biogeochemical modeling system: Model description, evaluation, and nitrogen budgets
Abstract The Chesapeake Bay plays an important role in transforming riverine nutrients
before they are exported to the adjacent continental shelf. Although the mean nitrogen …
before they are exported to the adjacent continental shelf. Although the mean nitrogen …