Utilization of astaxanthin from microalgae and carotenoid rich algal biomass as a feed supplement in aquaculture and poultry industry: an overview
Astaxanthin is one of the most effective and potent anti-oxidants astaxanthin is also a natural
source for pigmentation in several aquatic organisms. Its utility to impart bright red coloration …
source for pigmentation in several aquatic organisms. Its utility to impart bright red coloration …
[HTML][HTML] Utilization of microalgal-bacterial energy nexus improves CO2 sequestration and remediation of wastewater pollutants for beneficial environmental services
Carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels and coal are primary
contributors of greenhouse gases leading to global climate change and warming. The …
contributors of greenhouse gases leading to global climate change and warming. The …
[HTML][HTML] Bioenergy, biofuels, lipids and pigments—Research trends in the use of microalgae grown in photobioreactors
This scientometric review and bibliometric analysis aimed to characterize trends in scientific
research related to algae, photobioreactors and astaxanthin. Scientific articles published …
research related to algae, photobioreactors and astaxanthin. Scientific articles published …
Identification of major carotenoids from green alga Tetraspora sp. CU2551: partial purification and characterization of lutein, canthaxanthin, neochrome, and β …
The green algae Tetraspora sp. CU2551 was previously identified as a strain with high
potential for biohydrogen production; however, its algal biomass characteristics changed …
potential for biohydrogen production; however, its algal biomass characteristics changed …
Isolation and identification of microalgal strains with potential as carotenoids producers from a municipal solid waste landfill
Derived from their great capacity of adaptation, microalgae have several industrial
applications, including pigment production for nutraceutical sector. However, the scarcity of …
applications, including pigment production for nutraceutical sector. However, the scarcity of …
Light emitting diodes as alternative light source for growth and carotenoid enhancement in Chlorococcum humicola Cultured in airlift photobioreactors
This study compares the performance of white light emitting diodes (LEDs) and fluorescent
lamps for cultivating Chlorococcum humicola (C. humicola) as aquaculture feed. Results …
lamps for cultivating Chlorococcum humicola (C. humicola) as aquaculture feed. Results …
[HTML][HTML] Overexpression of the KAS Ⅲ-like gene YxwZ3 increases carotenoids production in Aurantiochytrium sp. SZU445
Identifying gene that enhances specific product accumulation of industrial strains is a central
tenet of metabolic engineering. Aurantiochytrium sp. has come into the limelight by virtue of …
tenet of metabolic engineering. Aurantiochytrium sp. has come into the limelight by virtue of …
[PDF][PDF] Influence of the green microalga, Chlorococcum sp. on the growth of freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas
The success of the aquaculture sector relies on a consistent supply of healthy fish seeds.
Rotifer has been identified as superior live food to artificial feed for nurturing fish larvae, the …
Rotifer has been identified as superior live food to artificial feed for nurturing fish larvae, the …
Increased torulene production by the red yeast, Sporidiobolus pararoseus, using citrus juice
C Wei, T Wu, H Ao, X Qian, Z Wang… - Preparative Biochemistry …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Response surface methodology was applied to maximize the yield and production of
carotenoids by Sporidiobolus pararoseus WZ012 using citrus juice. A high concentration of …
carotenoids by Sporidiobolus pararoseus WZ012 using citrus juice. A high concentration of …
Photoautotrophic cultivation of Chlorococcum humicola in stirred tank and airlift photobioreactors under different light settings and light supplying strategies for …
BACKGROUND Light quality influences biomass and carotenoid production in microalgae,
yet no information is available for Chlorococcum humicola. This work performed a series of …
yet no information is available for Chlorococcum humicola. This work performed a series of …