Review on challenges and recent advances in the electrochemical performance of high capacity Li‐and Mn‐rich cathode materials for Li‐ion batteries
Li and Mn‐rich layered oxides, xLi2MnO3·(1–x) LiMO2 (M= Ni, Mn, Co), are promising
cathode materials for Li‐ion batteries because of their high specific capacity that can exceed …
cathode materials for Li‐ion batteries because of their high specific capacity that can exceed …
Ultimate limits to intercalation reactions for lithium batteries
MS Whittingham - Chemical reviews, 2014 - ACS Publications
There is a growing demand for energy storage, for intermittent renewable energy such as
solar and wind power, for transportation, and for the myriad portable electronic devices. By …
solar and wind power, for transportation, and for the myriad portable electronic devices. By …
What limits the capacity of layered oxide cathodes in lithium batteries?
H Zhou, F **_for_Mitigating_the_Capacity_Fading_and_Voltage_Decay_of_Layered_Li_and_Mn-Rich_Cathodes_for_Li-Ion_Batteries/links/6479d60b79a722376508e075/Al-Do**-for-Mitigating-the-Capacity-Fading-and-Voltage-Decay-of-Layered-Li-and-Mn-Rich-Cathodes-for-Li-Ion-Batteries.pdf" data-clk="hl=bg&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=3&d=5675173242664002884&ei=A9zFZ6mtL-euieoP0ZismQs" data-clk-atid="RCXK7_5Dwk4J" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Al do** for mitigating the capacity fading and voltage decay of layered Li and Mn‐rich cathodes for Li‐Ion batteries
Li and Mn‐rich layered cathodes, despite their high specific capacity, suffer from capacity
fading and discharge voltage decay upon cycling. Both specific capacity and discharge …
fading and discharge voltage decay upon cycling. Both specific capacity and discharge …
History, evolution, and future status of energy storage
MS Whittingham - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Advanced energy storage has been a key enabling technology for the portable electronics
explosion. The lithium and Ni-MeH battery technologies are less than 40 years old and have …
explosion. The lithium and Ni-MeH battery technologies are less than 40 years old and have …
Advances in structure and property optimizations of battery electrode materials
Rechargeable batteries undoubtedly represent one of the best candidates for chemical
energy storage, where the intrinsic structures of electrode materials play a crucial role in …
energy storage, where the intrinsic structures of electrode materials play a crucial role in …
Voltage and temperature limits of advanced electrolytes for lithium-metal batteries
Several advanced electrolytes (mainly ether-based) have shown promising electrochemical
performance in high-energy-density lithium-metal batteries. This work evaluates their …
performance in high-energy-density lithium-metal batteries. This work evaluates their …
Cation and anion Co-do** synergy to improve structural stability of Li-and Mn-rich layered cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries
G Chen, J An, Y Meng, C Yuan, B Matthews, F Dou… - Nano Energy, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract Cobalt-free Li and Mn-rich layered cathode materials are promising for next
generation lithium ion batteries due to their high specific capacity and low cost. However …
generation lithium ion batteries due to their high specific capacity and low cost. However …