[PDF][PDF] A review of trawl selectivity studies carried out along Indian coast

VR Madhu - 2018 - epubs.icar.org.in
Though trawling contributes significantly to landings in India, issues like bycatch which
comprises of juveniles of commercially important species and impacts to the sea bottom are …

Comparing life-history traits in two contiguous stocks of the deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (H. Lucas, 1846)(Crustacea: Decapoda) in the Southern …

A Perdichizzi, C D'Iglio, D Giordano, A Profeta… - Fisheries …, 2022 - Elsevier
Most Mediterranean fish and crustaceans' stocks are overexploited, but they could increase
if fishing intensity would be reduced for only a few years. Today exploited stocks are …

Discards composition from Iberian trawl fleets

AC Fernandes, N Pérez, N Prista, J Santos, M Azevedo - Marine Policy, 2015 - Elsevier
Fisheries discards are an issue of general management and societal concern. This study
presents the first analysis and characterization of discards composition from Iberian trawl …

Selectivity of diamond (PA) and square (PE) mesh codends for commercially important fish species in the Antalya Bay, Eastern Mediterranean

C Ateş, MC Deval, T Bök… - Journal of Applied …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Size selectivity of the 40 mm nominal polyethylene (PE) square mesh codend and the 44
mm nominal polyamide (PA) diamond mesh codend were determined under commercial …

Spatial structure of the Caribbean lobster (Metanephrops binghami) in the Colombian Caribbean Sea

J Paramo, U Saint-Paul - Helgoland Marine Research, 2012 - Springer
Crustaceans of the genus Metanephrops are of great commercial value in some tropical and
subtropical regions. With the potential development of a new deep lobster fishery in the …

Into the deep–Dispersal models for deep-water decapod shrimp larvae: The case of Parapenaeus longirostris

RFT Pires, Á Peliz, A dos Santos - Progress in Oceanography, 2021 - Elsevier
Deep-water shrimps remain some of the less understood decapod crustacean taxa, despite
the high commercial and ecological importance. The lack of knowledge on adults and larval …

Comparison of the size selectivity of diamond (PA) and square (PE) mesh codends for deepwater crustacean species in the Antalya Bay, eastern Mediterranean

MC Deval, T Bök, C Ateş, T Ulutürk… - Journal of Applied …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The aim of this study was to compare selectivity results of currently used 44 mm nominal
polyamide (PA) diamond mesh‐and alternatively suggested 40 mm nominal polyethylene …

Estimation of size at onset of sexual maturity and growth parameters in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) off the Portuguese coast

O Ayza, VM Tuset, JA González - Fisheries Research, 2011 - Elsevier
The aim of the study was to analyse the size, growth and size at maturity of Nephrops
norvegicus in two areas off the Portuguese coast. Samples were collected between …

A deep-water crinoid Leptometra celtica bed off the Portuguese south coast

P Fonseca, F Abrantes, R Aguilar, A Campos… - Marine Biodiversity, 2014 - Springer
The existence of a wide bed of the crinoid Leptometra celtica (M'Andrew and Barrett 1857),
at approximately 500 m depth, off the Portuguese south coast is inferred from remotely …

Survival of trawl-caught Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) after capture and release—potential effect of codend mesh type on survival

A Campos, P Fonseca, T Pilar-Fonseca, AM Leocádio… - Fisheries …, 2015 - Elsevier
Survival estimates were obtained for the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, retained and
esca** from a standard 70 mm mesh size diamond and a modified 55 mm square mesh …