Novel and emerging applications of the gyrotrons worldwide: Current status and prospects
This review paper is based on the invited talk presented by the same authors at the 8th
International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies (IW-FIRT 2021). It overviews some …
International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies (IW-FIRT 2021). It overviews some …
High-power terahertz sources for spectroscopy and material diagnostics
We review the development of radiation sources and present the most notable examples of
the use of gyrotrons in spectroscopy and material diagnostics. We describe the main …
the use of gyrotrons in spectroscopy and material diagnostics. We describe the main …
State-of-the-art of high-power gyro-devices and free electron masers
M Thumm - Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2020 - Springer
This paper presents a review of the experimental achievements related to the development
of high-power gyrotron oscillators for long-pulse or CW operation and pulsed gyrotrons for …
of high-power gyrotron oscillators for long-pulse or CW operation and pulsed gyrotrons for …
Experimental tests of a 263 GHz gyrotron for spectroscopic applications and diagnostics of various media
A 263 GHz continuous-wave (CW) gyrotron was developed at the IAP RAS for future
applications as a microwave power source in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization/Nuclear …
applications as a microwave power source in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization/Nuclear …
[KNIHA][B] State-of-the-Art of High Power Gyro-Devices and Free Electron Masers. Update 2017 (KIT Scientific Reports; 7750)
M Thumm - 2018 -
Gyrotron oscillators (gyromonotrons) are mainly used as high power millimeter wave
sources for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), electron cyclotron current drive …
sources for electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), electron cyclotron current drive …
Development of THz gyrotrons at IAP RAS and FIR UF and their applications in physical research and high-power THz technologies
MY Glyavin, T Idehara… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 -
In this paper, we present some of the most significant recent results that characterize the
state of the art in the development of sub-THz and THz gyrotrons at IAP-RAS and FIR-UF …
state of the art in the development of sub-THz and THz gyrotrons at IAP-RAS and FIR-UF …
Extreme-ultraviolet light source for lithography based on an expanding jet of dense xenon plasma supported by microwaves
We discuss a concept of a pointlike source of extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) light based on a
nonequilibrium microwave discharge in an expanding jet of dense xenon plasma with …
nonequilibrium microwave discharge in an expanding jet of dense xenon plasma with …
Gyrotrons for high-power terahertz science and technology at FIR UF
T Idehara, SP Sabchevski - Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz …, 2017 - Springer
In this review paper, we present the recent progress in the development of a series of
gyrotrons at the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of …
gyrotrons at the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of …
Mode selective azimuthally asymmetric cavity for terahertz gyrotrons
IV Bandurkin, GI Kalynova, YK Kalynov… - … on Electron Devices, 2020 -
A method of improving the selectivity of open cavities of electron cyclotron masers
(gyrotrons) operating at high cyclotron harmonics in the terahertz frequency range is …
(gyrotrons) operating at high cyclotron harmonics in the terahertz frequency range is …
Terahertz gas discharge: current progress and possible applications
AV Sidorov - Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022 -
Plasma created in focused beams of electromagnetic waves in the terahertz frequency
range is a fairly new object in gas discharge physics. The specified range, located between …
range is a fairly new object in gas discharge physics. The specified range, located between …