Quantum walk and its application domains: A systematic review

K Kadian, S Garhwal, A Kumar - Computer Science Review, 2021 - Elsevier
Quantum random walk is the quantum counterpart of a classical random walk. The classical
random walk concept has long been used as a computational framework for designing …

Quantum walks: a comprehensive review

SE Venegas-Andraca - Quantum Information Processing, 2012 - Springer
Quantum walks, the quantum mechanical counterpart of classical random walks, is an
advanced tool for building quantum algorithms that has been recently shown to constitute a …

Qasmbench: A low-level quantum benchmark suite for nisq evaluation and simulation

A Li, S Stein, S Krishnamoorthy, J Ang - ACM Transactions on Quantum …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
The rapid development of quantum computing (QC) in the NISQ era urgently demands a low-
level benchmark suite and insightful evaluation metrics for characterizing the properties of …

Quantum walks of correlated photons

A Peruzzo, M Lobino, JCF Matthews, N Matsuda… - Science, 2010 - science.org
Quantum walks of correlated particles offer the possibility of studying large-scale quantum
interference; simulating biological, chemical, and physical systems; and providing a route to …

Two-particle bosonic-fermionic quantum walk via integrated photonics

L Sansoni, F Sciarrino, G Vallone, P Mataloni, A Crespi… - Physical review …, 2012 - APS
Quantum walk represents one of the most promising resources for the simulation of physical
quantum systems, and has also emerged as an alternative to the standard circuit model for …

[CARTE][B] Physical implementation of quantum walks

J Wang, K Manouchehri - 2013 - Springer
Random walks have been employed in virtually every science related discipline to model
everyday phenomena such as biochemical reaction pathways and DNA synapsis …

Implementing graph-theoretic quantum algorithms on a silicon photonic quantum walk processor

X Qiang, Y Wang, S Xue, R Ge, L Chen, Y Liu… - Science …, 2021 - science.org
Applications of quantum walks can depend on the number, exchange symmetry and
indistinguishability of the particles involved, and the underlying graph structures where they …

Universal computation by multiparticle quantum walk

AM Childs, D Gosset, Z Webb - Science, 2013 - science.org
A quantum walk is a time-homogeneous quantum-mechanical process on a graph defined
by analogy to classical random walk. The quantum walker is a particle that moves from a …

Cognitive memory graph indexing, storage and retrieval

A Majumdar - US Patent 10,747,740, 2020 - Google Patents
The present disclosure provides a fast approximate as well as exact hierarchical network
storage and retrieval system and method for encoding and indexing graphs or networks as …

Two-particle quantum walks: Entanglement and graph isomorphism testing

SD Berry, JB Wang - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2011 - APS
We study discrete-time quantum walks on the line and on general undirected graphs with
two interacting or noninteracting particles. We introduce two simple interaction schemes and …