Why bounded rationality?
J Conlisk - Journal of economic literature, 1996 - JSTOR
NEARLY EVERYONE would see the truth as between Hamlet and Puck. Including Hamlet
and Puck. Hamlet is feigning madness, and Puck is just being, well, puckish. Model-writing …
and Puck. Hamlet is feigning madness, and Puck is just being, well, puckish. Model-writing …
The economy as an interactive system
In standard economic models agents only interact through the price system. In fact, the state
that agents find themselves in depends on the states of the other agents in the economy …
that agents find themselves in depends on the states of the other agents in the economy …
Learning in evolutionary environments¹
In the most generic terms, learning may occur in all circumstances when agents have an
imperfect understanding of the world in which they operate either due to lack of information …
imperfect understanding of the world in which they operate either due to lack of information …
A note on the correspondence between complexity and systems theory
Complexity theory shares a common vocabulary with systems theory. Terms such as
emergence, complexity, and adaptation appear in both traditions. Despite the similarities …
emergence, complexity, and adaptation appear in both traditions. Despite the similarities …
[ספר][B] The durable corporation: Strategies for sustainable development
G Aras, D Crowther - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Sustainability is normally considered to be about choices for the future being limited by
decisions made in the present, and is frequently portrayed as concerning environmental …
decisions made in the present, and is frequently portrayed as concerning environmental …
The technology adoption life cycle attractor: Understanding the dynamics of high-tech markets
Unlike more stable industries, high-tech firms must constantly be in a strategy development
phase. These companies are in desperate need of assistance in strategy formulation. This …
phase. These companies are in desperate need of assistance in strategy formulation. This …
[ספר][B] Beyond the representative agent
M Gallegati, A Kirman - 1999 - econpapers.repec.org
This challenging book extends standard economic theory to take into account the presence
of heterogeneity among economic agents. It argues for an approach to economic analysis …
of heterogeneity among economic agents. It argues for an approach to economic analysis …
[ספר][B] Economies with interacting agents
AP Kirman - 1998 - Springer
This paper discusses economic models in which agents interact directly with each other
rather than through the price system as in the standard general equilibrium model. It is …
rather than through the price system as in the standard general equilibrium model. It is …
[ספר][B] Agent-based models in economics: A toolkit
DD Gatti, G Fagiolo, M Gallegati, M Richiardi, A Russo - 2018 - books.google.com
In contrast to mainstream economics, complexity theory conceives the economy as a
complex system of heterogeneous interacting agents characterised by limited information …
complex system of heterogeneous interacting agents characterised by limited information …
Spatial interactions in dynamic decentralised economies: A review
The paper reviews dynamic models of decentralised economies assuming spatially
distributed agents who interact directly and locally. Basically, this means that:(i) agents are …
distributed agents who interact directly and locally. Basically, this means that:(i) agents are …