[PDF][PDF] Assessing the Impact of Basel III: Review of Transmission Channels and Insights from Policy Models
In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC), the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision (BCBS) developed a set of reforms—the Basel III Accord—aimed at improving …
Supervision (BCBS) developed a set of reforms—the Basel III Accord—aimed at improving …
[PDF][PDF] Bank runs, prudential tools and social welfare in a global game general equilibrium model
D Ikeda - 2018 - ies.keio.ac.jp
I develop a general equilibrium model that features endogenous bank runs in a global game
framework. A bank-run-led crisis probability depends on banks' fundamentals such as …
framework. A bank-run-led crisis probability depends on banks' fundamentals such as …
Quality is our asset: The international transmission of liquidity regulation
We examine how banks' cross-border lending reacts to changes in the intensity of liquidity
regulation using a new dataset on the UK's Individual Liquidity Guidance. An increase in …
regulation using a new dataset on the UK's Individual Liquidity Guidance. An increase in …
Assessing the impact of Basel III: Evidence from structural macroeconomic models
This paper (i) reviews the different channels of transmission of prudential policy highlighted
in the literature and (ii) provides a quantitative assessment of the impact of Basel III reforms …
in the literature and (ii) provides a quantitative assessment of the impact of Basel III reforms …
Prudential liquidity regulation in banking: A literature review
A Mordel - 2018 - econstor.eu
Prudential liquidity requirements are a relatively recent regulatory tool on the international
front, introduced as part of the Basel III accord in the form of a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) …
front, introduced as part of the Basel III accord in the form of a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) …
Bank runs in China: Evidence from a dynamic panel model
The rise of China as a global economic power has caused concern that a crisis in Chinese
banking could lead to a worldwide downturn similar to the Global Financial Crisis. Early …
banking could lead to a worldwide downturn similar to the Global Financial Crisis. Early …
Relationship Between Working Capital Management And Financial Distress: A Case of Manufacturing Industry in Rwanda
SA Olang - 2021 - repository.kcau.ac.ke
Governments and private investors have long been concerned about financial hardship in
businesses. A precipitous fall in a firm's financial performance may ultimately end in …
businesses. A precipitous fall in a firm's financial performance may ultimately end in …
[PDF][PDF] Basel III: Cost-Benefit analysis for Indian Banks
S Shukla, A Patel - NMIMS Management Review, 2018 - epp-journal.nmims.edu
After the financial crisis of 2008-09, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
suggested implementing the Basel-III accord, which is expected to increase the banking …
suggested implementing the Basel-III accord, which is expected to increase the banking …
[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Prudential Regulation on Jordanian Banks Liquidity
JA Mustafa - International Journal of Business and Economics …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Regulation of the financial sector is major aspect of consideration by the regulating authority,
since financial sector highly influences the performance of the entire economy. The Global …
since financial sector highly influences the performance of the entire economy. The Global …
Incidences des normes de liquidité sur les modèles bancaires
A Chollet - 2021 - theses.hal.science
La gravité de la crise apparue à l'été 2007 a conduit les superviseurs à modifier le cadre
réglementaire bancaire international en intégrant le risque de liquidité. Cette thèse analyse …
réglementaire bancaire international en intégrant le risque de liquidité. Cette thèse analyse …