Safety, economics, environment and energy based criteria towards multi-objective optimization of natural gas sweetening process: an industrial case study
In this study, multi-objective optimization of the methyl di-ethanolamine-based industrial
natural gas sweetening process is carried out using the improved multi-objective differential …
natural gas sweetening process is carried out using the improved multi-objective differential …
An adaptive decomposition-based evolutionary algorithm for many-objective optimization
Penalty boundary intersection (PBI) is one popular method in decomposition based
evolutionary multi-objective algorithms, where the penalty factor is crucial for striking a …
evolutionary multi-objective algorithms, where the penalty factor is crucial for striking a …
A surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for expensive many-objective optimization in the refining process
D Han, W Du, X Wang, W Du - Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2022 - Elsevier
Computationally expensive optimization problems are difficult for an evolutionary algorithm
within limited fitness evaluations, especially for many-objective optimization. To remedy this …
within limited fitness evaluations, especially for many-objective optimization. To remedy this …
[КНИГА][B] Biofuels production and processing technology
MR Riazi, D Chiaramonti - 2017 - books.google.com
The importance of biofuels in greening the transport sector in the future is unquestionable,
given the limited available fossil energy resources, the environmental issues associated to …
given the limited available fossil energy resources, the environmental issues associated to …
Modeling and optimization for the continuous catalytic reforming process based on the hybrid surrogate optimization model
To address the modeling and optimization challenges of the complex reaction system in the
continuous catalytic reforming process, a new integrated simulation and optimization …
continuous catalytic reforming process, a new integrated simulation and optimization …
Monitoring and path optimization of catalytic reformer in a refinery: Principal component analysis and A* algorithm application
Catalytic naphtha reforming converts naphtha into gasoline or aromatics and is a vital
petrochemical process in refineries. This paper developed a hybrid framework combining …
petrochemical process in refineries. This paper developed a hybrid framework combining …
Robust optimal operation of continuous catalytic reforming process under feedstock uncertainty
XJ Dong, JN Shen, ZF Ma, YJ He - International Journal of Hydrogen …, 2022 - Elsevier
The continuous catalytic regenerative (CCR) reforming process is one of the most significant
sources of hydrogen production in the petroleum refining process. However, the fluctuations …
sources of hydrogen production in the petroleum refining process. However, the fluctuations …
[PDF][PDF] 石油和化工行业智能优化制造若干问题及挑战
钱锋, 杜文莉, 钟伟民, 唐漾 - 自动化学报, 2017 - aas.net.cn
摘要石油和化工行业是国家的基础性产业, 目前面临转型升级的重大需求.
本文首先回顾了石油和化工行业在生产全流程的信息检测, 建模, 优化控制 …
本文首先回顾了石油和化工行业在生产全流程的信息检测, 建模, 优化控制 …
Real-time semisupervised predictive modeling strategy for industrial continuous catalytic reforming process with incomplete data using slow feature analysis
The catalytic naphtha reforming process is one of the most significant processes in the
petrochemical industry. This process is notable for its function of transforming petroleum …
petrochemical industry. This process is notable for its function of transforming petroleum …
Simulation and optimization of continuous catalytic reforming: Reducing energy cost and coke formation
P Pasandide, M Rahmani - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
Continuous catalytic naphtha reformers are one of the main refinery units producing
hydrogen. Reliable and comprehensive modeling of such a complex and integrated refinery …
hydrogen. Reliable and comprehensive modeling of such a complex and integrated refinery …