Zebrafish embryos as an alternative to animal experiments—A commentary on the definition of the onset of protected life stages in animal welfare regulations
Worldwide, the zebrafish has become a popular model for biomedical research and (eco)
toxicology. Particularly the use of embryos is receiving increasing attention, since they are …
toxicology. Particularly the use of embryos is receiving increasing attention, since they are …
Endocrine disrupters: a review of some sources, effects, and mechanisms of actions on behaviour and neuroendocrine systems
Some environmental contaminants interact with hormones and may exert adverse
consequences as a result of their actions as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) …
consequences as a result of their actions as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) …
Adult neurogenesis and brain regeneration in zebrafish
Adult neurogenesis is a widespread trait of vertebrates; however, the degree of this ability
and the underlying activity of the adult neural stem cells differ vastly among species. In …
and the underlying activity of the adult neural stem cells differ vastly among species. In …
Zebrafish as the toxicant screening model: Transgenic and omics approaches
The production of large amounts of synthetic industrial and biomedical compounds, together
with environmental pollutants, poses a risk to our ecosystem and induces negative effects on …
with environmental pollutants, poses a risk to our ecosystem and induces negative effects on …
Steroid transport, local synthesis, and signaling within the brain: roles in neurogenesis, neuroprotection, and sexual behaviors
Sex steroid hormones are synthesized from cholesterol and exert pleiotropic effects notably
in the central nervous system. Pioneering studies from Baulieu and colleagues have …
in the central nervous system. Pioneering studies from Baulieu and colleagues have …
Aromatase in the brain of teleost fish: expression, regulation and putative functions
Unlike that of mammals, the brain of teleost fish exhibits an intense aromatase activity due to
the strong expression of one of two aromatase genes (aromatase A or cyp19a1a and …
the strong expression of one of two aromatase genes (aromatase A or cyp19a1a and …
Heterogeneity in progenitor cell subtypes in the ventricular zone of the zebrafish adult telencephalon
The zebrafish has become a new model for adult neurogenesis, owing to its abundant
neurogenic areas in most brain subdivisions. Radial glia‐like cells, actively proliferating …
neurogenic areas in most brain subdivisions. Radial glia‐like cells, actively proliferating …
Screening Estrogenic Activities of Chemicals or Mixtures In Vivo Using Transgenic (cyp19a1b-GFP) Zebrafish Embryos
The tg (cyp19a1b-GFP) transgenic zebrafish expresses GFP (green fluorescent protein)
under the control of the cyp19a1b gene, encoding brain aromatase. This gene has two …
under the control of the cyp19a1b gene, encoding brain aromatase. This gene has two …
[HTML][HTML] Towards regulation of Endocrine Disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water resources using bioassays–A guide to develo** a testing strategy
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are found in every environmental medium and are
chemically diverse. Their presence in water resources can negatively impact the health of …
chemically diverse. Their presence in water resources can negatively impact the health of …
Estrogenic effects of several BPA analogs in the develo** zebrafish brain
Important set of studies have demonstrated the endocrine disrupting activity of Bisphenol A
(BPA). The present work aimed at defining estrogenic-like activity of several BPA structural …
(BPA). The present work aimed at defining estrogenic-like activity of several BPA structural …