The C-value enigma in plants and animals: a review of parallels and an appeal for partnership
TR Gregory - Annals of botany, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Aims Plants and animals represent the first two kingdoms recognized, and remain the two
best-studied groups in terms of nuclear DNA content variation. Unfortunately, the traditional …
best-studied groups in terms of nuclear DNA content variation. Unfortunately, the traditional …
Nuclear DNA content estimates in multicellular green, red and brown algae: phylogenetic considerations
DF Kapraun - Annals of botany, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Background and Aims Multicellular eukaryotic algae are phylogenetically disparate. Nuclear
DNA content estimates have been published for fewer than 1% of the described species of …
DNA content estimates have been published for fewer than 1% of the described species of …
[HTML][HTML] Genome size covaries more positively with propagule size than adult size: new insights into an old problem
DS Glazier - Biology, 2021 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary The amount of hereditary information (DNA) contained in the cell nuclei of
larger or more complex organisms is often no greater than that of smaller or simpler …
larger or more complex organisms is often no greater than that of smaller or simpler …
Consistency of morphological characters used to delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): analyses of North Carolina, USA …
B Stuercke, DW Freshwater - Phycologia, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
B. Stuercke & DW Freshwater. 2008. Consistency of morphological characters used to
delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): analyses of North …
delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): analyses of North …
Nuclear DNA content variation associated with muscle fiber hypertrophic growth in decapod crustaceans
We tested the hypothesis that hypertrophic muscle growth in decapod crustaceans is
associated with increases in both the number of nuclei per fiber and nuclear DNA content …
associated with increases in both the number of nuclei per fiber and nuclear DNA content …
Estimates of nuclear DNA content in 98 species of brown algae (Phaeophyta)
N Phillips, DF Kapraun, A Gómez Garreta… - AoB Plants, 2011 - academic.oup.com
Background and aims Brown algae are critical components of marine ecosystems around
the world. However, the genome of only one species of the class has so far been …
the world. However, the genome of only one species of the class has so far been …
Nuclear DNA Content Variation in Different Life Cycle Stages of Sugar Kelp, Saccharina latissima
F Goecke, A Gómez Garreta, R Martín–Martín… - Marine …, 2022 - Springer
Ploidy variants can be utilized to increase yield, introduce sterility, and modify specific traits
with an economic impact. Despite economic importance of Saccharina species, their nuclear …
with an economic impact. Despite economic importance of Saccharina species, their nuclear …
Nuclear DNA content variation associated with muscle fiber hypertrophic growth in fishes
Muscle fiber hypertrophic growth can lead to an increase in the myonuclear domain (MND),
leading to greater diffusion distances within the cytoplasmic volume that each nucleus …
leading to greater diffusion distances within the cytoplasmic volume that each nucleus …
Estimates of nuclear DNA content in red algal lineages
DF Kapraun, DW Freshwater - AoB Plants, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Background and aims The red algae are an evolutionarily ancient group of predominantly
marine organisms with an estimated 6000 species. Consensus higher-level molecular …
marine organisms with an estimated 6000 species. Consensus higher-level molecular …
Fucales (Phaeophyceae) from Spain characterized by large-scale discontinuous nuclear DNA contents consistent with ancestral cryptopolyploidy
Gómez Garreta A., Ribera Siguan MA, Salvador Soler N., Rull Lluch J. and Kapraun DF
2010. Fucales (Phaeophyceae) from Spain characterized by large-scale discontinuous …
2010. Fucales (Phaeophyceae) from Spain characterized by large-scale discontinuous …