The C-value enigma in plants and animals: a review of parallels and an appeal for partnership

TR Gregory - Annals of botany, 2005 -
Aims Plants and animals represent the first two kingdoms recognized, and remain the two
best-studied groups in terms of nuclear DNA content variation. Unfortunately, the traditional …

Nuclear DNA content estimates in multicellular green, red and brown algae: phylogenetic considerations

DF Kapraun - Annals of botany, 2005 -
Background and Aims Multicellular eukaryotic algae are phylogenetically disparate. Nuclear
DNA content estimates have been published for fewer than 1% of the described species of …

[HTML][HTML] Genome size covaries more positively with propagule size than adult size: new insights into an old problem

DS Glazier - Biology, 2021 -
Simple Summary The amount of hereditary information (DNA) contained in the cell nuclei of
larger or more complex organisms is often no greater than that of smaller or simpler …

Consistency of morphological characters used to delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): analyses of North Carolina, USA …

B Stuercke, DW Freshwater - Phycologia, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
B. Stuercke & DW Freshwater. 2008. Consistency of morphological characters used to
delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): analyses of North …

Nuclear DNA content variation associated with muscle fiber hypertrophic growth in decapod crustaceans

AG Jimenez, ST Kinsey, RM Dillaman, DF Kapraun - Genome, 2010 -
We tested the hypothesis that hypertrophic muscle growth in decapod crustaceans is
associated with increases in both the number of nuclei per fiber and nuclear DNA content …

Estimates of nuclear DNA content in 98 species of brown algae (Phaeophyta)

N Phillips, DF Kapraun, A Gómez Garreta… - AoB Plants, 2011 -
Background and aims Brown algae are critical components of marine ecosystems around
the world. However, the genome of only one species of the class has so far been …

Nuclear DNA Content Variation in Different Life Cycle Stages of Sugar Kelp, Saccharina latissima

F Goecke, A Gómez Garreta, R Martín–Martín… - Marine …, 2022 - Springer
Ploidy variants can be utilized to increase yield, introduce sterility, and modify specific traits
with an economic impact. Despite economic importance of Saccharina species, their nuclear …

Nuclear DNA content variation associated with muscle fiber hypertrophic growth in fishes

AG Jimenez, ST Kinsey - Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2012 - Springer
Muscle fiber hypertrophic growth can lead to an increase in the myonuclear domain (MND),
leading to greater diffusion distances within the cytoplasmic volume that each nucleus …

Estimates of nuclear DNA content in red algal lineages

DF Kapraun, DW Freshwater - AoB Plants, 2012 -
Background and aims The red algae are an evolutionarily ancient group of predominantly
marine organisms with an estimated 6000 species. Consensus higher-level molecular …

Fucales (Phaeophyceae) from Spain characterized by large-scale discontinuous nuclear DNA contents consistent with ancestral cryptopolyploidy

AG Garreta, MAR Siguan, NS Soler, JR Lluch… - …, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Gómez Garreta A., Ribera Siguan MA, Salvador Soler N., Rull Lluch J. and Kapraun DF
2010. Fucales (Phaeophyceae) from Spain characterized by large-scale discontinuous …