The home-range concept: are traditional estimators still relevant with modern telemetry technology?
Recent advances in animal tracking and telemetry technology have allowed the collection of
location data at an ever-increasing rate and accuracy, and these advances have been …
location data at an ever-increasing rate and accuracy, and these advances have been …
Oceanographic drivers of marine mammal and seabird habitat-use across shelf-seas: a guide to key features and recommendations for future research and …
Abstract Mid-latitude (∼ 30-60°) seasonally stratifying shelf-seas support a high abundance
and diversity of marine predators such as marine mammals and seabirds. However …
and diversity of marine predators such as marine mammals and seabirds. However …
[КНИГА][B] Marine ecological processes
I Valiela, I Valiela - 1995 - Springer
It would not have been possible for me to write the three editions of this book without a
double dose of extraordinary fortune: to have been part of the Woods Hole scientific …
double dose of extraordinary fortune: to have been part of the Woods Hole scientific …
Quantifying the effect of boat disturbance on bottlenose dolphin foraging activity
Assessments of anthropogenic impacts on marine wildlife often concentrate on large-scale
displacement. However, changes in the activity patterns of animals that do not flee could …
displacement. However, changes in the activity patterns of animals that do not flee could …
[HTML][HTML] Monitoring ship noise to assess the impact of coastal developments on marine mammals
The potential impacts of underwater noise on marine mammals are widely recognised, but
uncertainty over variability in baseline noise levels often constrains efforts to manage these …
uncertainty over variability in baseline noise levels often constrains efforts to manage these …
Habitat structure and the dispersal of male and female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are widely distributed and a high degree of
morphometric and genetic differentiation has been found among both allopatric and …
morphometric and genetic differentiation has been found among both allopatric and …
Fine‐scale habitat modeling of a top marine predator: Do prey data improve predictive capacity
Predators and prey assort themselves relative to each other, the availability of resources and
refuges, and the temporal and spatial scale of their interaction. Predictive models of predator …
refuges, and the temporal and spatial scale of their interaction. Predictive models of predator …
Evidence of a seamount effect on aggregating visitors
It has been suggested that seamounts hold higher abundances of some 'visiting'animals,
such as tuna, sharks, billfishes, marine mammals, sea-turtles and even seabirds, but this has …
such as tuna, sharks, billfishes, marine mammals, sea-turtles and even seabirds, but this has …
Modelling sperm whale habitat preference: a novel approach combining transect and follow data
Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus habitat preferences are still poorly understood in the
Mediterranean, despite the population being classified as 'Endangered'by the IUCN …
Mediterranean, despite the population being classified as 'Endangered'by the IUCN …
[КНИГА][B] The effects of noise on aquatic life II
AN Popper, A Hawkins - 2016 - Springer
This book presents the papers presented at the Third International Conference on the Effects
of Noise on Aquatic Life that took place in August 2013 in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting …
of Noise on Aquatic Life that took place in August 2013 in Budapest, Hungary. The meeting …