Efficiency and resilience of cooperation in asymmetric social dilemmas
Direct reciprocity is a powerful mechanism for cooperation in social dilemmas. The very logic
of reciprocity, however, seems to require that individuals are symmetric, and that everyone …
of reciprocity, however, seems to require that individuals are symmetric, and that everyone …
Adaptive dynamics of memory-one strategies in the repeated donation game
Human interactions can take the form of social dilemmas: collectively, people fare best if all
cooperate but each individual is tempted to free ride. Social dilemmas can be resolved when …
cooperate but each individual is tempted to free ride. Social dilemmas can be resolved when …
Grou** promotes both partnership and rivalry with long memory in direct reciprocity
Biological and social scientists have long been interested in understanding how to reconcile
individual and collective interests in the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. Many effective …
individual and collective interests in the iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. Many effective …
Interactive diversity disrupts cyclic dominance but maintains cooperation in spatial social dilemma games
Cyclic dominance has become a pivotal factor in sustaining cooperation within structured
populations. However, this comprehension has predominantly revolved around node …
populations. However, this comprehension has predominantly revolved around node …
Introspection dynamics in asymmetric multiplayer games
Evolutionary game theory and models of learning provide powerful frameworks to describe
strategic decision-making in social interactions. In the simplest case, these models describe …
strategic decision-making in social interactions. In the simplest case, these models describe …
Memory asymmetry creates heteroclinic orbits to nash equilibrium in learning in zero-sum games
Learning in games considers how multiple agents maximize their own rewards through
repeated games. Memory, an ability that an agent changes his/her action depending on the …
repeated games. Memory, an ability that an agent changes his/her action depending on the …
Evolution of reciprocity with limited payoff memory
Direct reciprocity is a mechanism for the evolution of cooperation in repeated social
interactions. According to the literature, individuals naturally learn to adopt conditionally …
interactions. According to the literature, individuals naturally learn to adopt conditionally …
A geometric process of evolutionary game dynamics
Many evolutionary processes occur in phenotype spaces which are continuous. It is
therefore of interest to explore how selection operates in continuous spaces. One approach …
therefore of interest to explore how selection operates in continuous spaces. One approach …
Freedom of choice disrupts cyclic dominance but maintains cooperation in voluntary prisoner's dilemma game
Cyclic dominance has become a pivotal factor in sustaining cooperation within structured
populations. However, this comprehension has predominantly revolved around node …
populations. However, this comprehension has predominantly revolved around node …
Evolutionary dynamics of direct and indirect reciprocity on networked populations
Direct, indirect and network reciprocity are key mechanisms fostering cooperation in
societies. Though intrinsically interrelated, they are often studied separately. Unravelling the …
societies. Though intrinsically interrelated, they are often studied separately. Unravelling the …