Responses and impacts of atmospheric rivers to climate change
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are characterized by intense moisture transport, which, on landfall,
produce precipitation which can be both beneficial and destructive. ARs in California, for …
produce precipitation which can be both beneficial and destructive. ARs in California, for …
Review of tropical‐extratropical teleconnections on intraseasonal time scales
The interactions and teleconnections between the tropical and midlatitude regions on
intraseasonal time scales are an important modulator of tropical and extratropical circulation …
intraseasonal time scales are an important modulator of tropical and extratropical circulation …
The Pakistan flood of August 2022: causes and implications
The risk of floods has increased in South Asia due to high vulnerability and exposure. The
August 2022 Pakistan flood shows a glimpse of the enormity and devastation that can further …
August 2022 Pakistan flood shows a glimpse of the enormity and devastation that can further …
Enhancing climate resilience in businesses: The role of artificial intelligence
The abrupt rise in extreme weather events (floods, heat waves, droughts, etc.) due to
changing climate in the last decades has increased the level of threats to various sectors …
changing climate in the last decades has increased the level of threats to various sectors …
More frequent atmospheric rivers slow the seasonal recovery of Arctic sea ice
In recent decades, Arctic sea-ice coverage underwent a drastic decline in winter, when sea
ice is expected to recover following the melting season. It is unclear to what extent …
ice is expected to recover following the melting season. It is unclear to what extent …
Distinguishing extreme precipitation mechanisms associated with atmospheric rivers and nonatmospheric rivers in the lower Yangtze river basin
Y Zhao, J Li, Y Tian, J Li - Journal of Climate, 2024 - journals.ametsoc.org
This study investigates the disparity in quantitative moisture contribution and synoptic-scale
vertical motion in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin (LYRB) for different extreme …
vertical motion in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin (LYRB) for different extreme …
[HTML][HTML] A scale to characterize the strength and impacts of atmospheric rivers
A Scale to Characterize the Strength and Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers in: Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society Volume 100 Issue 2 (2019) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo …
American Meteorological Society Volume 100 Issue 2 (2019) Jump to Content Logo Logo Logo …
Antarctic atmospheric river climatology and precipitation impacts
The Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) is sensitive to short‐term extreme meteorological events that
can leave long‐term impacts on the continent's surface mass balance (SMB). We investigate …
can leave long‐term impacts on the continent's surface mass balance (SMB). We investigate …
Atmospheric river tracking method intercomparison project (ARTMIP): Project goals and experimental design
The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) is an
international collaborative effort to understand and quantify the uncertainties in atmospheric …
international collaborative effort to understand and quantify the uncertainties in atmospheric …
Extreme winds and precipitation during landfall of atmospheric rivers
Atmospheric rivers—long, narrow filaments of large integrated water vapour transport—are
associated with weather and water extremes, such as precipitation extremes and flooding in …
associated with weather and water extremes, such as precipitation extremes and flooding in …