[PDF][PDF] Near rectilinear halo orbits and their application in cis-lunar space
EM Zimovan, KC Howell, DC Davis - 3rd IAA Conference on …, 2017 - researchgate.net
Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits (NRHOs), a subset of the L1 and L2 halo orbit families, are
strong candidates for a future inhabited facility in cis-lunar space. Characteristics of the …
strong candidates for a future inhabited facility in cis-lunar space. Characteristics of the …
Leveraging quasi-periodic orbits for trajectory design in cislunar space
BP McCarthy, KC Howell - Astrodynamics, 2021 - Springer
Incorporating quasi-periodic orbits into the preliminary design process offers a wide range of
options to meet mission constraints and address the challenges in a complex trade space. In …
options to meet mission constraints and address the challenges in a complex trade space. In …
Analysis of accidental spacecraft break-up events in cislunar space
Fragmentation events are the most common source of artificial debris in space. Such events
can happen for multiple reasons, ranging from collisions with active or inactive objects to …
can happen for multiple reasons, ranging from collisions with active or inactive objects to …
A transfer network linking Earth, Moon, and the triangular libration point regions in the Earth-Moon system
LR Capdevila, KC Howell - Advances in Space Research, 2018 - Elsevier
In the near future, several space applications in the Earth-Moon system may require a
spacecraft to hold a stable motion, but the transfer trajectory infrastructure to access such …
spacecraft to hold a stable motion, but the transfer trajectory infrastructure to access such …
Characteristics and design strategies for near rectilinear halo orbits within the earth-moon system
EM Zimovan - 2017 - search.proquest.com
A critical first step towards achieving the goal of a far-reaching human presence in space
within the 21st century is the creation of a long-term crewed habitat in cislunar space, well …
within the 21st century is the creation of a long-term crewed habitat in cislunar space, well …
Progress of three-body orbital dynamics study
L **angyu, Q Dong, C Yu - Chinese Journal of Theoretical and …, 2021 - lxxb.cstam.org.cn
The orbital dynamics in the three-body system is a classical problem in the field of
astrodynamics. It has rich theoretical and engineering significance, and have played an …
astrodynamics. It has rich theoretical and engineering significance, and have played an …
Midcourse correction of Earth-Moon distant retrograde orbit transfer trajectories based on high-order state transition tensors
Midcourse correction design is key to space transfers in the cislunar space. Autonomous
guidance has garnered significant attention for its promise to decrease the dependence on …
guidance has garnered significant attention for its promise to decrease the dependence on …
Transfers between NRHOs and DROs in the Earth-Moon system
The stable near rectilinear halo orbits (NRHOs) and distant retrograde orbits (DROs) are
both considered as potential parking orbits for cis-lunar stations. Transfer orbits between …
both considered as potential parking orbits for cis-lunar stations. Transfer orbits between …
An Earth–Moon system trajectory design reference catalog
DC Folta, N Bosanac, D Guzzetti, KC Howell - Acta Astronautica, 2015 - Elsevier
As demonstrated by ongoing concept designs and the recent ARTEMIS mission, there is,
currently, significant interest in exploiting three-body dynamics in the design of trajectories …
currently, significant interest in exploiting three-body dynamics in the design of trajectories …
Transfers from distant retrograde orbits to low lunar orbits
The stable distant retrograde orbits (DROs) around the Moon are considered as potential
parking orbits for cislunar stations that are important facilities in cislunar space. Transfer …
parking orbits for cislunar stations that are important facilities in cislunar space. Transfer …