Cancer disparities among Pacific Islanders: a review of sociocultural determinants of health in the Micronesian region
E Pineda, R Benavente, MY Gimmen, NV DeVille… - Cancers, 2023 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Micronesia is an ethnogeographic region within the continent of Oceania
that represents an underserved area of the world. Cancer is the second leading cause of …
that represents an underserved area of the world. Cancer is the second leading cause of …
[KNJIGA][B] Plants, people, and culture: the science of ethnobotany
Is it possible that plants have shaped the very trajectory of human cultures? Using riveting
stories of fieldwork in remote villages, two of the world's leading ethnobotanists argue that …
stories of fieldwork in remote villages, two of the world's leading ethnobotanists argue that …
[HTML][HTML] Waiting for the wave, but missing the tide: Case studies of climate-related (im) mobility and health
Climate change amplifies health risks, including through the health impacts of climate-
related displacement. Yet diverse mobility responses in a warming world can also provide a …
related displacement. Yet diverse mobility responses in a warming world can also provide a …
Planned relocation and health: a case study from Fiji
C McMichael, T Powell - … Journal of Environmental Research and Public …, 2021 - mdpi.com
In Fiji, low-lying coastal villages are beginning to retreat and relocate in response to coastal
erosion, flooding and saltwater intrusion. Planned relocation is considered a last resort as a …
erosion, flooding and saltwater intrusion. Planned relocation is considered a last resort as a …
Seasonal calendars enhance climate communication in the Pacific
LE Chambers, RD Plotz, S Lui, F Aiono… - Weather, Climate …, 2021 - journals.ametsoc.org
Traditional calendars document seasonal cycles and the communities' relationships to their
biophysical environment and are often used by communities, particularly subsistence …
biophysical environment and are often used by communities, particularly subsistence …
Generational issues in linking family farming production, traditional food in diet, physical activity and obesity in Pacific Islands countries and territories: the case of the …
In the Melanesian culture, traditional activities are organized around family farming,
although the lifestyle transition taking place over the last several decades has led to …
although the lifestyle transition taking place over the last several decades has led to …
[PDF][PDF] Addressing Obesity in the Oceanic Population: Challenges, Solutions, and Pathways to Health
T Barnett - Journal of Clinical-Medical Research & Reviews, 2024 - scivisionpub.com
This study is a triphasic exploration of the Oceania region's disproportionate obesity rates
and access to obesityrelated clinical trials. To accomplish this, this study investigated the …
and access to obesityrelated clinical trials. To accomplish this, this study investigated the …
The association of health status, health/dietary habits, dietary environment, psychological aspects, and degree of interpersonal contact with quality of life among older …
YS YOSHIMOTO, J FUJIKURA… - Japanese Journal of …, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Objectives: This study investigated the association of health status, health/dietary habits,
dietary environment, psychological aspects, and interpersonal contact with quality of life …
dietary environment, psychological aspects, and interpersonal contact with quality of life …
Investigating heart rate variability as a novel non-invasive measure of blood glucose level in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
L Jarman - 2023 - opus.lib.uts.edu.au
Diabetes mellitus is costly to both individuals and health systems and affects almost 500
million adults worldwide. The scientific literature strongly advocates that maintaining blood …
million adults worldwide. The scientific literature strongly advocates that maintaining blood …
[PDF][PDF] Place Attachment and Well-Being Interrelations in Traditional and New Settlements in Alanya Highlands
EC Koçak - 2023 - core.ac.uk
The psychological well-being of individuals is under the influence of many variables, and
place attachment is one of the phenomena that need to be emphasized. Until now, there …
place attachment is one of the phenomena that need to be emphasized. Until now, there …