Konsep implementasi kurikulum prototype
Kurikulum adalah ruhnya Pendidikan, mengembangkannya adalah sebuah keharusan dan
keniscayaan bagi semua Lembaga Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis …
keniscayaan bagi semua Lembaga Pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis …
Pentingnya peran orang tua dalam memajukan keterampilan berbahasa anak usia dini melalui komunikasi
Dalam era globalisasi, kemampuan berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam berbagai bahasa
menjadi semakin penting dalam menghadapi tantangan di bidang pendidikan dan karier …
menjadi semakin penting dalam menghadapi tantangan di bidang pendidikan dan karier …
Prototype curriculum: Concepts and its role in strengthening character education after the COVID-19 pandemic
The government is making efforts to restore learning by designing a prototype curriculum
because the current 2013 curriculum is seen as inflexible during the Covid-19 pandemic …
because the current 2013 curriculum is seen as inflexible during the Covid-19 pandemic …
[PDF][PDF] The Observation of Arabic Language Differentiation in the 2013 Curriculum and the “Merdeka” Curriculum
Indonesian education is in a transition and adaptation period from the K-13 (2013
Curriculum) to the KM (Merdeka Curriculum). So research that compares the two curricula …
Curriculum) to the KM (Merdeka Curriculum). So research that compares the two curricula …
Impact of Javanese Language Preservation on Javanese language skills in Elementary Schools
Javanese is the regional language with the most speakers in Indonesia and needs to be
preserved, because it is the main element in a culture. The purpose of this study is to …
preserved, because it is the main element in a culture. The purpose of this study is to …
Reading and Viewing Ability of Third Grade Students in Elementary School
The observations showed that the ability to read and watch students was low. Therefore, this
study aims to analyze the implementation of Indonesian language learning and the reading …
study aims to analyze the implementation of Indonesian language learning and the reading …
Exploring Students 'Views on the Application of Independent Curriculum for Elementary School in Natural Science Subject
This study explored students' views on applying the independent curriculum in natural
science subject. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The sample was fourth-grade …
science subject. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The sample was fourth-grade …
[PDF][PDF] Viewing Skill in 7th Grade English for Nusantara Student's Book: An Analysis of Strategy
NY Pratiwi - 2024 - eprints3.upgris.ac.id
Nowadays Kurikulum Merdeka is the most recent curriculum to be used in Indonesia, which
in accordance with the decision of the Head of the Educational Standards, Curriculum and …
in accordance with the decision of the Head of the Educational Standards, Curriculum and …
Revolusi Buku Ajar Bermuatan Teks Multimodal Terintegrasi Media: Kurikulum Merdeka
One form of implementation of the Independent Curriculum is significant changes to the text
content in Indonesian language textbooks. This research aims to describe the presentation …
content in Indonesian language textbooks. This research aims to describe the presentation …
Implementasi program sekolah penggerak (psp) tahun 2021 di sdn 23 menyumbung kabupaten sintang, kalimantan barat
The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the †œProgram Sekolah
Penggerakâ€(PSP) in 2021 at SDN 23 Menyumbung, Sintang Regency. The research …
Penggerakâ€(PSP) in 2021 at SDN 23 Menyumbung, Sintang Regency. The research …