From model-based control to data-driven control: Survey, classification and perspective
This paper is a brief survey on the existing problems and challenges inherent in model-
based control (MBC) theory, and some important issues in the analysis and design of data …
based control (MBC) theory, and some important issues in the analysis and design of data …
[KNIHA][B] Fault detection and diagnosis in industrial systems
Early and accurate fault detection and diagnosis for modern manufacturing processes can
minimise downtime, increase the safety of plant operations, and reduce costs. Such process …
minimise downtime, increase the safety of plant operations, and reduce costs. Such process …
[KNIHA][B] Data-driven methods for fault detection and diagnosis in chemical processes
Early and accurate fault detection and diagnosis for modern chemical plants can minimise
downtime, increase the safety of plant operations, and reduce manufacturing costs. The …
downtime, increase the safety of plant operations, and reduce manufacturing costs. The …
Nonlinear dynamic process monitoring using canonical variate analysis and kernel density estimations
PEP Odiowei, Y Cao - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) are two
commonly used techniques for process monitoring. Both PCA and PLS assume that the data …
commonly used techniques for process monitoring. Both PCA and PLS assume that the data …
[KNIHA][B] Dynamic modeling, predictive control and performance monitoring: a data-driven subspace approach
B Huang, R Kadali - 2008 - books.google.com
A typical design procedure for model predictive control or control performance monitoring
consists of: identification of a parametric or nonparametric model; derivation of the output …
consists of: identification of a parametric or nonparametric model; derivation of the output …
Statistical monitoring of multivariable dynamic processes with state‐space models
A Negiz, A Çlinar - AIChE Journal, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Industrial continuous processes may have a large number of process variables and are
usually operated for extended periods at fixed operating points under closed‐loop control …
usually operated for extended periods at fixed operating points under closed‐loop control …
Closed-loop subspace identification: an orthogonal projection approach
In this paper, a closed-loop subspace identification approach through an orthogonal
projection and subsequent singular value decomposition is proposed. As a by-product of …
projection and subsequent singular value decomposition is proposed. As a by-product of …
Particle filters for state and parameter estimation in batch processes
In process engineering, on-line state and parameter estimation is a key component in the
modelling of batch processes. However, when state and/or measurement functions are …
modelling of batch processes. However, when state and/or measurement functions are …
Statistical optimality and canonical variate analysis system identification
WE Larimore - Signal Processing, 1996 - Elsevier
The Kullback information is developed as the natural measure of the error in model
approximation for general model selection methods including the selection of model state …
approximation for general model selection methods including the selection of model state …
A kernel design approach to improve kernel subspace identification
Subspace identification methods, such as canonical variate analysis (CVA), are noniterative
tools suitable for the state-space modeling of multi-input, multi-output processes, eg …
tools suitable for the state-space modeling of multi-input, multi-output processes, eg …