[HTML][HTML] Inland ship** to serve the hinterland: The challenge for seaport authorities
The competitiveness of seaports is predominantly affected by factors external to the ports
themselves, connected mainly with the quality of the hinterland and foreland infrastructure …
themselves, connected mainly with the quality of the hinterland and foreland infrastructure …
Performance measurement: a conceptual framework for supply chain practices
Abstract Me--asurement of Supply Chain (SC) performance with regards to key practices of
SC paradigms is the area which is under research. Presently there are no guidance or set …
SC paradigms is the area which is under research. Presently there are no guidance or set …
Evaluating significance of green manufacturing enablers using MOORA method for Indian manufacturing sector
Severe environmental impact of manufacturing has led to highly unsustainable condition by
consuming natural resources at faster pace, Green House Gases (GHG) emissions, massive …
consuming natural resources at faster pace, Green House Gases (GHG) emissions, massive …
Evaluating indicators of the agility of the green supply chain
H Sayyadi Tooranloo, M Alavi… - … Review: An International …, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose Nowadays, the main problem of industries is the issue of environmental pollution.
The green supply chain (GSC) is one of the processes that can be effective to consider this …
The green supply chain (GSC) is one of the processes that can be effective to consider this …
Application of lean agile resilient green paradigm framework on china pakistan economic corridor: A case study
China has recently emerged as the technological and economic giant and an attractive
place for investment for MCNs (Multi-National Companies). Many of the high ranked …
place for investment for MCNs (Multi-National Companies). Many of the high ranked …
[PDF][PDF] Green And Secure Energy Supply Chain: Through China Pakistan Economic Corridor
KRW Azfar - researchgate.net
Present Chinese energy supply chains are mostly dependent upon imported crude oil, but
the route which is followed by crude oil ships passes through the Malacca Straits which is …
the route which is followed by crude oil ships passes through the Malacca Straits which is …
Evaluating Significance of Green Manufacturing Enablers Using MOORA
Green manufacturing (GM) is generically defined as' the process of redefining the processes
in order to reduce or minimize the waste'[1]. GM is a relatively new concept that can be …
in order to reduce or minimize the waste'[1]. GM is a relatively new concept that can be …