Chinese parents' goals and practices in early childhood
We review the literature on Chinese parents' views and practices through the lens of
Confucianism. Confucianism advances seven developmental goals for children–knowledge …
Confucianism. Confucianism advances seven developmental goals for children–knowledge …
Parents vs peers' influence on teenagers' Internet addiction and risky online activities
An integral part of the daily lives of adolescents revolves around the Internet. Adolescents
are vulnerable online because of a combination of their natural innocence, sensation …
are vulnerable online because of a combination of their natural innocence, sensation …
Communalism, familism, and filial piety: Are they birds of a collectivist feather?
The present studies examined the extent to which (a) communalism, familism, and filial piety
would pattern onto a single family/relationship primacy construct;(b) this construct would be …
would pattern onto a single family/relationship primacy construct;(b) this construct would be …
[PDF][PDF] Filial piety among global Chinese adult children: A systematic review
Objective: This review aims to explore the perception of filial piety among the global Chinese
adult children with respect to its endorsement level, riskfactors, andconsequences …
adult children with respect to its endorsement level, riskfactors, andconsequences …
The blessings and the curses of filial piety on dignity at the end of life: lived experience of Hong Kong Chinese adult children caregivers
This study critically examines the evolving nature of filial piety and the role that it plays in the
contemporary experience of “living and dying with dignity” among Hong Kong Chinese …
contemporary experience of “living and dying with dignity” among Hong Kong Chinese …
The expectation and perceived receipt of filial piety among Chinese older adults in the Greater Chicago area
Objective: Filial piety is a key Chinese cultural value that determines children's caregiving
obligation to older adults. This study aims to evaluate the expectations and perceived receipt …
obligation to older adults. This study aims to evaluate the expectations and perceived receipt …
[HTML][HTML] Interplay between tradition and modernity: Stress and co** experiences among parents of children with autism in Bei**g, China
In traditional Chinese culture, specific beliefs and values can influence parents' experiences
of stress and co** while raising children with autism. However, as China undergoes rapid …
of stress and co** while raising children with autism. However, as China undergoes rapid …
Behavioral manifestations of modesty
Three studies examined the social manifestations of modesty in Chinese and Canadian
cultures, conceptualizing and operationalizing it as a self-presentation tactic with communal …
cultures, conceptualizing and operationalizing it as a self-presentation tactic with communal …
The multiple frames of 'Chinese'values: From tradition to modernity and beyond
SJ Kulich, R Zhang - The Oxford handbook of Chinese …, 2010 -
Fascination with noting the uniqueness of 'the Chinese'and their culture has been an
enduring pursuit of many throughout recent history, observations well documented, for …
enduring pursuit of many throughout recent history, observations well documented, for …
Association of filial attitude, filial behavior and death literacy: implications for development of death system in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area of …
WI Ng, SL Che, X Li, M Zhu - BMC Public Health, 2024 - Springer
Background Filial piety, as a major traditional norm in Chinese culture and in Chinese
families, affects the attitudes and behaviors of adult children toward their parents and …
families, affects the attitudes and behaviors of adult children toward their parents and …