Environmental and economic performance assessment of integrated conventional solar photovoltaic and agrophotovoltaic systems
Land utilisation by the solar energy industry and other sectors, such as residential and
agriculture, has become increasingly competitive in recent years. Therefore, space …
agriculture, has become increasingly competitive in recent years. Therefore, space …
Powering the Future: An Integrated Framework for Clean Renewable Energy Transition
H Wehbi - Sustainability, 2024 - mdpi.com
The transition to renewable energy has been recognized as a crucial step in addressing
climate change and achieving greenhouse gas reduction targets, but it can also cause …
climate change and achieving greenhouse gas reduction targets, but it can also cause …
[HTML][HTML] Optimization and design of hybrid power system using HOMER pro and integrated CRITIC-PROMETHEE II approaches
Interrupted power supply and poor access to electricity (15%) have been persistent
problems in Malawi for decades. Diversification of resources is required to solve the …
problems in Malawi for decades. Diversification of resources is required to solve the …
Analysis of grid/solar photovoltaic power generation for improved village energy supply: A case of Ikose in Oyo State Nigeria
Energy crisis is one of the major challenges confronting African countries. Nigeria is one of
the countries having a high energy deficit in Africa with rural areas being at the receiving …
the countries having a high energy deficit in Africa with rural areas being at the receiving …
[HTML][HTML] Synergizing hybrid renewable energy systems and sustainable agriculture for rural development in Nigeria
This research explores the viability and importance of implementing Hybrid Renewable
Energy Systems (HRES) in Nigeria's agriculture sector. Despite progress, most rural regions …
Energy Systems (HRES) in Nigeria's agriculture sector. Despite progress, most rural regions …
Investigating the influence of erratic grid on stationary battery energy storage technologies in hybrid power systems: Techno-environ-economic perspectives
Several obstacles impede renewable energy penetration into the global energy sector.
Amongst the apparent challenges which require credible research attention, is the selection …
Amongst the apparent challenges which require credible research attention, is the selection …
Feasibility analysis of solar PV/biogas hybrid energy system for rural electrification in Ghana
Globally, reliable access to electricity improves people's well-being, provides quality
education, and promotes good health. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuel …
education, and promotes good health. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuel …
Techno-economic and environmental evaluation of grid-connected and off-grid hybrid intermittent power generation systems: A case study of a mild humid subtropical …
C Li, Y Zheng, Z Li, L Zhang, L Zhang, Y Shan, Q Tang - Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
In order to promote the development of green buildings, this paper presents a technical,
economic, and environmental evaluation of a residential building powered by hybrid …
economic, and environmental evaluation of a residential building powered by hybrid …
Analysing wind power penetration in hybrid energy systems based on techno-economic assessments
Wind is an environmentally friendly energy source that can be harnessed as an on-shore
and off-shore resource. Wind energy, combined with other renewable energy systems, has …
and off-shore resource. Wind energy, combined with other renewable energy systems, has …
[HTML][HTML] Feasibility study of integrating the renewable energy system for increased electricity access: A case study of Choba community in Nigeria
There is no way for develo** countries to prosper economically or improve their living
standards in rural areas if they lack access to energy and power. Access to electricity is …
standards in rural areas if they lack access to energy and power. Access to electricity is …