The Bayesian sampler: Generic Bayesian inference causes incoherence in human probability judgments.
Human probability judgments are systematically biased, in apparent tension with Bayesian
models of cognition. But perhaps the brain does not represent probabilities explicitly, but …
models of cognition. But perhaps the brain does not represent probabilities explicitly, but …
Perceptual and cognitive judgments show both anchoring and repulsion
One of the most robust effects in cognitive psychology is anchoring, in which judgments
show a bias toward previously viewed values. However, in what is essentially the same task …
show a bias toward previously viewed values. However, in what is essentially the same task …
Sampling as the human approximation to probabilistic inference
Human beings perform well in uncertain environments, matching the performance of
complex probabilistic models in complex tasks such as language or physical system …
complex probabilistic models in complex tasks such as language or physical system …
Approximating Bayesian inference through internal sampling
People must often make inferences about, and decisions concerning, a highly complex and
unpredictable world, on the basis of sparse evidence. An “ideal” normative approach to such …
unpredictable world, on the basis of sparse evidence. An “ideal” normative approach to such …