[PDF][PDF] Matkailututkimuksen avainkäsitteet
J Edelheim, H Ilola - 2017 - lauda.ulapland.fi
Matkailututkimus–mitkä ovat sen keskeiset käsitteet ja millaisiin tutkimusperinteisiin ne
pohjautuvat? Millaista uutta tutkimusta tarvitaan? Matkailututkimuksen avainkäsitteet luo …
pohjautuvat? Millaista uutta tutkimusta tarvitaan? Matkailututkimuksen avainkäsitteet luo …
Deneyimsel turist rehberliği: Kavramsal bir çerçeve ve model önerisi
Günümüzdeki teknolojik, ekonomik, sosyal ve psikolojik gelişmeler; tüketicinin ihtiyaçlarının,
beklentilerinin ve isteklerinin bireysel yönünü daha baskın hale getirmektedir. Dolayısıyla …
beklentilerinin ve isteklerinin bireysel yönünü daha baskın hale getirmektedir. Dolayısıyla …
The relationships between happiness, wellness tourist motivation, and tourism destination among Finnish wellness travellers: insights from the world's “happiest …
This paper examines the relationships between happiness, wellness tourist motivation, and
tourism destinations among Finnish wellness travellers during crises,“the happiest country in …
tourism destinations among Finnish wellness travellers during crises,“the happiest country in …
Liiketaloustieteellinen matkailututkimus Suomessa
Tässä katsauksessa tarkastellaan liiketaloustieteellisen matkailututkimuksen teemoja
Suomessa 2000-luvulla. Katsaukseen on otettu mukaan suomalaisissa instituutioissa …
Suomessa 2000-luvulla. Katsaukseen on otettu mukaan suomalaisissa instituutioissa …
Nature as a contributor to wellbeing and future tourism: Finnish Gen Zers seeking happiness and meaning in life
We have entered the Anthropocene Epoch, in which human activity is so massive that it
leaves a lasting imprint on the entire planet and its systems. We are also living in a time of …
leaves a lasting imprint on the entire planet and its systems. We are also living in a time of …
Esca** into sexual play: A consumer experience perspective
Sexual play may offer an escape from everyday stress. As the consumer culture has
extended into our bedrooms, escapism through sexual play can be regarded as an affective …
extended into our bedrooms, escapism through sexual play can be regarded as an affective …
The Overview of Culinary Tourism in Yogyakarta City from the Perspective of Experiential Value
As basic human needs, food and drink are vital and interesting things to study, especially
concerning one's motivation to visit a tourist destination. This is what encourages the …
concerning one's motivation to visit a tourist destination. This is what encourages the …
Matkailuelämyksiä ilman matkaa? Fokusryhmätutkimus matkailutyyppisestä kulutuksesta osana kuluttajan arkea
The current study focuses on touristic behavior in the context of everyday consumption by
examining the geographical and psychological transitions of tourism and leisure as well as …
examining the geographical and psychological transitions of tourism and leisure as well as …
[PDF][PDF] In quest of the optimal self
M Grénman - Wellness consumption and lifestyle–A superficial …, 2019 - utupub.fi
The current thesis discusses wellness consumption and lifestyle, both of which are
embedded in current consumer culture and the mainstream consumer lifestyle in various …
embedded in current consumer culture and the mainstream consumer lifestyle in various …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** new virtual tourism experience based on customer value: Case Experience Kalevala
R Repo - 2021 - erepo.uef.fi
Virtual tourism allows people to see and experience the world without physically travelling to
the destination. Due to the travel restrictions caused by COVID-19 pandemic, virtual tourism …
the destination. Due to the travel restrictions caused by COVID-19 pandemic, virtual tourism …