Particle simulation of plasmas: review and advances

JP Verboncoeur - Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2005 -
Particle simulation of plasmas, employed since the 1960s, provides a self-consistent, fully
kinetic representation of general plasmas. Early incarnations looked for fundamental plasma …

Contemporary particle-in-cell approach to laser-plasma modelling

TD Arber, K Bennett, CS Brady… - Plasma Physics and …, 2015 -
Abstract Particle-in-cell (PIC) methods have a long history in the study of laser-plasma
interactions. Early electromagnetic codes used the Yee staggered grid for field variables …

PIC methods in astrophysics: simulations of relativistic jets and kinetic physics in astrophysical systems

K Nishikawa, I Duţan, C Köhn, Y Mizuno - Living Reviews in …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The Particle-In-Cell (PIC) method has been developed by Oscar Buneman, Charles
Birdsall, Roger W. Hockney, and John Dawson in the 1950s and, with the advances of …

OSIRIS: A three-dimensional, fully relativistic particle in cell code for modeling plasma based accelerators

RA Fonseca, LO Silva, FS Tsung, VK Decyk… - … Science—ICCS 2002 …, 2002 - Springer
We describe OSIRIS, a three-dimensional, relativistic, massively parallel, object oriented
particle-in-cell code for modeling plasma based accelerators. Developed in Fortran 90, the …

Atmospheric escape processes and planetary atmospheric evolution

G Gronoff, P Arras, S Baraka, JM Bell… - Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The habitability of the surface of any planet is determined by a complex evolution of its
interior, surface, and atmosphere. The electromagnetic and particle radiation of stars drive …

Non-thermal particle acceleration in collisionless relativistic electron–proton reconnection

GR Werner, DA Uzdensky… - Monthly Notices of …, 2018 -
Magnetic reconnection in relativistic collisionless plasmas can accelerate particles and
power high-energy emission in various astrophysical systems. Whereas most previous …

VORPAL: a versatile plasma simulation code

C Nieter, JR Cary - Journal of Computational Physics, 2004 - Elsevier
VORPAL is a new plasma simulation code designed for maximum flexibility through use of
advance C++ techniques. Through use of inheritance, VORPAL incorporates multiple …

An object-oriented electromagnetic PIC code

JP Verboncoeur, AB Langdon, NT Gladd - Computer Physics …, 1995 - Elsevier
The object-oriented paradigm provides an opportunity for advanced PIC modeling,
increased flexibility, and extensibility. Particle-in-cell codes for simulating plasmas are …

GEMPIC: geometric electromagnetic particle-in-cell methods

M Kraus, K Kormann, PJ Morrison… - Journal of Plasma …, 2017 -
We present a novel framework for finite element particle-in-cell methods based on the
discretization of the underlying Hamiltonian structure of the Vlasov–Maxwell system. We …

Exact charge conservation scheme for particle-in-cell simulation with an arbitrary form-factor

TZ Esirkepov - Computer Physics Communications, 2001 - Elsevier
The new method of local electric current density assignment in the Particle-in-Cell code in
Cartesian geometry is presented. The method is valid for an arbitrary quasi-particle form …