The Dynamic Model Comes Down from Infinity

JC Mourrat, H Weber - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2017 - Springer
We prove an a priori bound for the dynamic Φ^ 4_3 Φ 3 4 model on the torus which is
independent of the initial condition. In particular, this bound rules out the possibility of finite …

Some recent progress on the stationary measure for the open KPZ equation

I Corwin - Toeplitz Operators and Random Matrices: In Memory of …, 2022 - Springer
This note is an expanded version of a lecture I gave in fall 2021 at the MSRI program
“Universality and Integrability in Random Matrices and Interacting Particle Systems”. I will …

[HTML][HTML] Stochastic quantization of Yang–Mills

I Chevyrev - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2022 -
We review two works [Chandra et al., Publ. Math. l'IHÉS (published online, 2022) and
Chandra et al., arxiv: 2201.03487 (2022)] that study the stochastic quantization equations of …

A PDE Construction of the Euclidean Quantum Field Theory

M Gubinelli, M Hofmanová - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021 - Springer
We present a new construction of the Euclidean Φ^ 4 Φ 4 quantum field theory on R^ 3 R 3
based on PDE arguments. More precisely, we consider an approximation of the stochastic …

Stochastic quantisation of yang–mills–higgs in 3d

A Chandra, I Chevyrev, M Hairer, H Shen - Inventiones mathematicae, 2024 - Springer
We define a state space and a Markov process associated to the stochastic quantisation
equation of Yang–Mills–Higgs (YMH) theories. The state space S is a nonlinear metric …

The BPHZ theorem for regularity structures via the spectral gap inequality

M Hairer, R Steele - Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2024 - Springer
We provide a relatively compact proof of the BPHZ theorem for regularity structures of
decorated trees in the case where the driving noise satisfies a suitable spectral gap …

Langevin dynamic for the 2D Yang–Mills measure

A Chandra, I Chevyrev, M Hairer, H Shen - … mathématiques de l'IHÉS, 2022 - Springer
We define a natural state space and Markov process associated to the stochastic Yang–Mills
heat flow in two dimensions. To accomplish this we first introduce a space of distributional …

Stationary measures for integrable polymers on a strip

G Barraquand, I Corwin, Z Yang - Inventiones mathematicae, 2024 - Springer
We prove that the stationary measures for the free-energy increment process for the
geometric last passage percolation (LPP) and log-gamma polymer model on a diagonal …

Spectral gap for the stochastic quantization equation on the 2-dimensional torus

P Tsatsoulis, H Weber - 2018 -
We study the long time behavior of the stochastic quantization equation. Extending recent
results by Mourrat and Weber (Global well-posedness of the dynamic ϕ^4 in the plane …

The invariant measure and the flow associated to the -quantum field model

S Albeverio, S Kusuoka - arxiv preprint arxiv:1711.07108, 2017 -
We give a direct construction of invariant measures and global flows for the stochastic
quantization equation to the quantum field theoretical $\Phi^ 4_3 $-model on the $3 …